Kingdom Come Deliverance Poison Console Command

The game has its console enabled, so you can tweak the game through console commands. If you use the ansel enhancement tools linked above, you can change any cvar in the game's engine. The engine is a modified CryEngine so you can use the custom cfg files and keybinds to enhance the graphics and other game aspects. See below how to do that. Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands: Full List of All PC Cheats. In total, there are around 11 Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands for you to use during your 50 plus hour journey.

wh_pl_showfirecursor [1]Turn on bow crosshairs. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
g_showHUD [0]Turn off HUD. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
wh_ui_showCompass [0]Turn off Compass. (1 = ON, 0=OFF)
qQuits immediately without saving
e_ViewDistRatio [X]Change view distance. (Replace X with value, the default is 500)
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation [X]Change view distance for trees only. (Replace X with value, the default is 500)
e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist [X]Change view distance for other plants. (Replace X with value, the default is 20)
r_MotionBlur [X]Change motion blur. (Replace X with 0 for off, 1 for camera only, 2 for default)
r_vsync [0]Turns off vsync to potentially increase FPS, but difference isn't clear.
wh_cheat_addItem [X] [#]Add item.( X = item ID, # Number of that item)
Wh_cheat_money [#]Add Money / Groschen. (Adds # of money)
e_TimeOfDayThis will show you the current time of day.
cl_showHUD [0]This disables the HUD. (Change 0 to 1 to re-enable the HUD).
r_MotionBlur [0]This disables motion blur.
cl_fov [X]This commands sets the field of view to X (default is 60).
p_gravity_z [X]Changes the intensity of gravity (default is -13)
wh_cheat_money [X]Adds money to your inventory. Replace XX with the amount of money required.
wh_cheat_addItem [X]Adds the specified item (replace XX with the item ID) to your inventory.
cheat_add_all_itemsAdds all items the player's inventory. This is probably a bad idea...
cheat_add_all_perks [exclude:true], [exclude:false]Adds all perks to the player.
cheat_add_buff [id]Adds the given buff to the player.
cheat_add_buff_healStop bleeding, removes injuries, and restores all health, stamina, hunger, and exhaust.
cheat_add_buff_immortalAdds buffs to make the player immortal. Use cheat_remove_buff_immortal to remove this.
cheat_add_buff_invisibleAdds invisible buff to player. For now this just sets conspicuousness to zero. Use cheat_remove_buff_invisible to remove this.
cheat_add_item [id], [amount: optional number], [health: optional number]Adds an item to the player's inventory.
cheat_add_money [amount]Adds the given amount of groschen to the player's inventory.
cheat_add_perk [id]Adds the given perk to the player.
cheat_add_stat_xp [stat], [xp]Adds XP to one of the player's stats.
cheat_damage_all_items [health]Damages all weapons and armor in your inventory. This can uneqip items so don't do this in combat.
cheat_evalExecutes the given Lua code. This is not a cheat it is used for testing and debugging.
cheat_find_buffsFinds all of the buffs that match the given token.
cheat_find_horsesFind and display stats of horses.
cheat_find_itemsFinds all of the items that match the given token.
cheat_find_npc [token]Finds and shows information about an NPC.This only works if the NPC has been loaded into the world.
cheat_find_perksFinds all of the perks that match the given token.
cheat_find_skillsFinds all of the skills that match the given token.
cheat_get_timeLogs information about game time.
cheat_kill_npc [token]Finds and kills all the killable NPCs within the given radius of the player.
cheat_kill_targetKills the entity targeted using by F4 or the cheat_target_entity command.
cheat_locShows player's world location.
cheat_no_door_lockpickingThis disables the lockpicking minigame on doors and automatically opens the door.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_no_lockpickingThis calls cheat_no_stash_lockpicking and cheat_no_door_lockpicking.
cheat_no_pickpocketingThis disables the pickpocketing minigame and automatically opens the person's inventory for looting.They can still catch you.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_no_stash_lockpickingThis disables the lockpicking minigame on stashes and automatically opens the stash for looting.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_own_all_stolen_itemsMakes you the owner of all stolen items in your inventory.This removes the stolen flag from the item.
cheat_phys_hoverUse F1 key to toggle hover on and off.This uses physics to push the player slightly up.This is intended to be used with F2 push.
cheat_phys_pushUse F2 key to toggle push on and off.This uses physics to push the player forward.This is intended to be used with F1 hover.
cheat_phys_sprintUse F3 key to toggle sprinting on and off.This uses physics to push the player forward (and down for friction).
cheat_remove_all_buffsRemoves all buffs from the player.
cheat_remove_all_itemsRemoves all items in the player's inventory.THIS DELETES YOUR INVENTORY! Move items you want to a stash first.
cheat_remove_all_perksRemoves all perks from the player.
cheat_remove_all_stolen_itemsRemoves all stolen items from your inventory.
cheat_remove_buff [id]Removes the given buff from the player.
cheat_remove_buff_immortalRemoves the buffs making the player immortal.
cheat_remove_buff_invisibleRemoves invisible buff from player.
cheat_remove_item [id]Removes an item to the player's inventory.
cheat_remove_perk [id]Removes the given perk from the player.
cheat_repair_all_itemsRepairs all damaged items in your inventory. This can uneqip items so don't do this in combat.
cheat_reveal_mapReveals the entire map (removes fog of war).
cheat_saveThis instantly saves your game. No item requirements or save limits.
cheat_set_all_merchants_fence [enable:true], [enable:false]Flags all merchants so they accept stolen goods.Restarting the game reverts this effect.
cheat_set_bow_reticle [enable:true], [enable:false]Enabled or disables the bow reticle. Won't take effect if bow is drawn.
cheat_set_horse [id]Sets the player's horse. Use command cheat_find_horses to display a list of horse UUIDs.
cheat_set_regen [state], [enable]Regenerates the given player state over time; pulses once per second.
cheat_set_skill_level [level], [skill]Sets one of the player's skills to the given level.
cheat_set_stat_level [stat], [level]Sets one of the player's stats to the given level.
cheat_set_state [stat], [value]Sets one of the player's states to the given value.
cheat_set_time [hours]Moved time forward the given number of hours.
cheat_set_time_speed [ratio]Set the game time speed as a ratio between real time and game time.A high ratio, like 1000, is faster. Default is 15. 0 will pause time.
cheat_set_wanted_level [level]Set or clears the player's wanted level. This doesn't affect faction reputation.
cheat_set_weather [id]Sets the weather to the given weather ID.1 = cloudless_sunny2 = semicloudy_clear3 = cloudy_no_rain4 = cloudy_frequent_showers5 = foggy_drizzly6 = foggy_storm7 = dream
cheat_spawn [class]Spawns bandits, cuman, or animals.For some reason most of the animals and some bandits/cuman just stand around. No idea why.The spawned entities are not managed so you should kill them off or load a clean save.
cheat_spawn_npc [token]Searches through the database of souls and spawns 1 NPC for each match.This is intended to be used to spawn specific NPCs.The list of souls is in v_soul_character_data.xml in tables.pak.
cheat_stashOpens the player's stash. This only works if you have unlocked at least 1 stash
cheat_target_entityTracks the entity being targeted by the player.This will allow you to use other commands on the entity.This command is bound to the F4 key.
cheat_teleport [x], [y]. [z]Teleports the player to the given coordinates.You can end up in the air or under the map.I suggest saving your game and turn on immortality first.
cheat_teleport_horseTeleports your horse to you.
cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc [token], [x], [y]. [z]Teleports one or more NPCs to the given coordinates. Use cheat_loc to get locations.
cheat_teleport_npc_to_player [token]Teleports one or more NPCs to the player's location.
cheat_teleport_to [place]Teleports the player to the given place. Supported places (case insensitive):(Inn at the) Glade, Ledetchko, Merhojed,Monastery, Neuhof, Pribyslavitz,Rattay, Rovna, Samopesh,Sasau, Skalitz, Talmberg,Uzhitz, Vranik
cheat_unlock_recipesSaw this code to unlock recipes in a pak file.I have no idea what this really does or if it works.Let me know.
cheat_wash_dirt_and_bloodWashes all blood and dirt from the player and player's horse.
Added r_ssdo, r_AntiAliasingMode, wh_ui_ShowCursor, wh_ui_ShowCompassChanged layout of post to make it more friendly
r_ssdo = 0Disables SSAO
r_AntiAliasingMode = 0Disables Anti Aliasing
wh_ui_ShowCursor 0Will disable the combat cursor in the middle of the screen (Please note you will have to keep turning it off everytime you interact with objects/Npc's/Inventory)
wh_plshowfirecursor 1This console command activates a reticle for your bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance, which gives you a distinct accuracy bonus, since hitting anything in the game with a ranged weapon is somewhat difficult. To turn this console command back off, simply replace the 1 with a 0
Jul 8, 2018

You can find all items in this guide!Kingdom come deliverance poison console commands
Other KC:D Guides:
  • Ancient / Treasure Map Guide.
  • Console Commands (Cheat Codes).
  • Belladonna Farm Location (Herb Guide).
  • Alchemy and Herbalism Guide.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Command Line

How to Use Commands

  • Write wh_cheat_addItem [Item Code]

For example:
  • wh_cheat_addItem 11324f3e-d7f0-49f7-b39d-14622de4d410

Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Codes


Melee Weapons

  • 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005 : Big sword
  • 033fc7b6-17b6-486d-95cb-a22afb131be2 : Guisarme
  • 04c2c966-f55b-4afe-b0c2-bfdf4ba0deeb : Skalitz shield
  • 0ad36c8c-cfc7-44ab-8e8f-fe85e7646b71 : Ceremonial mace
  • 0eb0ac15-f0d9-49ce-9dd8-b37381a7a508 : Heavy shield
  • 0f5be0ac-ff11-4a01-a7f4-bf8e84c2e31b : Spear
  • 10f00d6e-66ce-4dbe-a4e0-71db8a1ba511 : Shield with crest
  • 11324f3e-d7f0-49f7-b39d-14622de4d410 : Bludgeon
  • 14aaa78f-49fe-49aa-bf46-bc6b8b06a6b7 : Bouche shield
  • 1592a436-4a22-4636-b82d-14af8127ee01 : Piercer
  • 17b7104f-d747-41ed-b701-d964584a0b37 : Shield of Sasau garrison
  • 196be21b-6d21-4dd6-84e4-c95ecd2092a7 : Mace
  • 1af2b27c-06bf-42a9-b203-8e7c83361d50 : Cuman metal shield
  • 1f389792-6ddb-4060-8cc4-13bcc9117db8 : Halberd
  • 1ff6e150-de1d-4cff-b263-e3dad48eef1a : Robber's sword
  • 214f7911-d9be-4260-b5cb-590f96ffde9a : Stinger
  • 21afc054-37d2-4cce-928e-c7d0d2e295c5 : Herod's Sword
  • 24a7c868-f23f-4799-8e64-331435a77404 : Warhammer
  • 26ddf0fa-c425-42a2-8879-fabaa66f414e : Test mace
  • 28a3a4be-3866-47be-91db-878888340674 : Noble's hunting sword
  • 2b652926-fb99-406f-9955-8a45dd1f1cd9 : Heavy shield
  • 2c9e4731-1858-423d-a898-a15484507cb7 : Old Sword
  • 2db35809-5a6b-4a5b-8782-eaf85c46f1d5 : Runt's club
  • 2e32ab30-aa7e-4628-8482-a229a68dfa72 : Shield with Talmberg crest
  • 30a02ab0-eb1d-4bf7-a53f-eb1004b2cbd8 : Skalitz shield
  • 375edea9-2d3c-4d1a-a6cc-e81ffa6bba26 : Bouche shield
  • 3846de6d-530b-4fcb-9d45-aac007498f04 : Test shield
  • 3e1e9a1d-37b5-4564-be23-af1017296d6c : Shield with crest
  • 3e7657f2-d653-4e57-ae77-6f2225ac642b : Shield of Sasau garrison
  • 3ef71c79-57c2-4f28-8f31-a091d9b78798 : Lucerne hammer
  • 405c1865-413d-43b8-8db9-c44a0eefd350 : Reforged scythe
  • 419bd251-9da5-1971-10cd-8428a6bdcb91 : Test Weapon 2
  • 42f20475-2329-4771-8b12-0cad34574bc8 : Butcher's blade
  • 4317a4e7-cfdc-4984-aab0-eba14f01e0ab : Coxcomb
  • 44940b6c-f1f9-4ad1-9419-b5705a88e5b0 : Italian bill
  • 488d9792-0dbf-41dc-a320-753d94d1f1b6 : Spiked warhammer
  • 49fa5ec9-92a9-4bfb-b56e-a33d04b69ee1 : Wooden training halberd
  • 4ac3347e-a93a-4cc0-9ba5-add86391bc12 : Old family heirloom
  • 4b6b9d8f-6b39-42da-90df-63d8d5adc68e : Test axe
  • 4bd249c6-0fea-4296-b60a-8d8a56ce76e6 :
  • 4bf59325-6ee7-4200-8b61-ed0c505674ae : Cuman metal shield
  • 4c0874f3-67f9-4e5f-ad53-9ed29156acd5 : Reliable blade
  • 4cea28a0-0814-405a-bf24-4fd711f7eb63 : Torch
  • 4da4eeda-663b-4ef3-9793-518a3b9ac13a : Page's sword
  • 4ef4527a-cf8b-4103-a845-0b1f531c0848 : Common sabre
  • 50ef44b2-73f9-412f-bb4b-29047887a11b : Nicopolis sabre
  • 5348397f-9c7b-4638-8651-8f0764bb31af : Common shield
  • 539f94d5-d9b4-4e0b-a0b1-8403d27d96ff : Shield with Talmberg crest
  • 547dbb33-e2a7-414c-a2ea-379c96b776ee : Bardiche
  • 581f1eb0-7d42-4d6d-9609-9902d3690c07 : Sword
  • 5878eeed-a6b6-481c-ac10-9e7cd5958988 : Hungarian sabre
  • 58ef3e13-d40f-4b25-b4bc-3b06df0f2578 : Shard
  • 5ab5581a-be10-4520-9ab4-90c6985498d3 : Trusty companion
  • 5b7ed53e-3554-47c7-817b-b971a2d99713 : Shield with Talmberg crest
  • 5bcd587a-4d97-4bad-a8b4-3248fc6d0cc6 : Heavy battle axe
  • 5e079d0b-0909-45c8-9306-8ac579b7b407 : Decorated sabre
  • 5e2ba1cd-4a42-407c-9261-8afdbc3e86b4 : Soul Slicer
  • 60734204-5a17-47cc-8fa2-9e8dfdf4ed62 : Heavy shield
  • 608922e3-0405-4110-a026-dcd3c69b2bf2 : Cuman metal shield
  • 6195801f-e7e4-429c-9db9-8b31a62126c8 : Dagger
  • 662a3ac5-5883-4b7d-bd84-173eaa136a73 : Heavy war hammer
  • 67ef62fd-7d5a-4235-b68e-eede03cd9c99 : Ornamented dagger
  • 68a35c34-51db-4f5d-827b-fed5a45ddfcd : Executioner's sword
  • 6c67d354-a472-442b-9d43-7ba805880aa6 : Heavy shield
  • 6c8a6e64-350c-4f47-9a3f-18e3450987ef : Stalwart
  • 6dda19ab-a26d-4585-9600-15942e16caeb : Sword
  • 6de91117-0ce4-4a84-a903-3f0dcc1517a0 : Skalitz shield
  • 6ec15d56-4f77-4751-af72-e6225f825ae8 : Heavy warhammer
  • 709c3428-ee1c-4fbe-87d1-8282660308fb : Master Huntsman's sword
  • 726322dd-f2e6-4cf2-922f-0ff715e20633 : Shield with crest
  • 7377215a-a0ca-44a2-b11a-113a024191ca : Glaive
  • 75f6a7ef-7144-46c6-b044-b94ab4167f67 : Wooden Cuman shield
  • 772c5d38-66b3-43f7-9757-5f10439aee97 : Shield with Talmberg crest
  • 788c57a8-ae7a-43a7-8236-07fec193531c : Seax
  • 791ca878-59c2-455f-a3d1-c12bafa0e74f : Saving Grace
  • 7d102b4d-52ae-4abb-84ca-e976c2ccf8ef : Dagger
  • 80425345-1243-4bc2-b3bf-40ebff4a7fba : Axe
  • 80a90ce0-50f5-4273-8f3e-562f0965f30b : Black shield
  • 823df2a1-bd59-4820-ab53-35e23c46149c : Shield with Talmberg crest
  • 8468933a-7d6b-4cf9-92f0-af5874d40a9b : Wooden training sword
  • 85b71c81-e087-47f1-a290-bb80ed1bfaf2 : Thumper
  • 86386baf-5228-4a29-b545-4e6784b81f7c : Assassin
  • 871cbc55-35cf-4397-846e-7bf05d4308c7 : Hunting sword
  • 8e2ccaa1-17c2-4cef-b378-e71dc83bddb7 : Metal-plated battle axe
  • 8ef902ea-0c32-44c9-b101-71f35b9cbe3d : Bardiche
  • 8f2764bc-e4e7-407a-b1ed-8ee221b2bb5d : Sword
  • 929e08b0-9cda-4eb6-a7c4-28e8bd4dd32d : Shield with crest
  • 931be8b2-e9e7-48f8-84f9-54f438d19cc4 : Spiked club
  • 937c90ad-fdee-45ff-a712-6fae845a5210 : Robber baron's sword
  • 965cc83a-1d34-416f-aabd-c4a461a6e583 : Rusty blade
  • 980003b4-f81f-42c5-bdc7-5d389158aa4a : Falchion
  • 98851303-bf50-4a41-9aa7-aa33e025d0fb : Test sabre
  • 9d2561cc-892f-4527-94cc-4fa607102949 : Longinus' sword
  • 9d9bdc38-9e6e-459f-8a75-700fdc1e604f : Pernach
  • 9f754566-7fb2-47e1-951b-22c27debb3c8 : Magdeburg sword
  • 9fb601d5-486c-4082-93cc-6356b0771b05 : St. Michael's sword
  • a1ba1e1d-a9dd-4b31-b518-184070831576 : Black shield
  • a415c3a7-82f0-4a73-925a-bb2c1674955f : Duellist
  • a7d5c50c-de7d-4982-969e-33fcbccb749a : Wooden training sword
  • a8014877-ce10-4331-88ab-04173b6370ad : Burgher's sword
  • aa8ebb16-e117-46ae-8c85-5c53ceb79394 : Cooper's axe
  • aca90050-0b70-4ca0-9d29-b94326203c75 : Exotic eastern blade
  • ad443031-370e-4a63-ba12-ee3fc4c338a8 : Carpenter's axe
  • af7fd872-0830-4e33-843e-5c015bbe9e73 : Captain's mace
  • b11aeb90-5752-48a2-962e-af64fe618b4d : Test Weapon 3
  • b129a71e-cadb-47db-bc2c-6ce85e3b278c : Cuman metal shield
  • b173f48f-6f4f-42eb-a119-37d2402e74f0 : Wooden Cuman shield
  • b48f2290-b002-4b87-baf7-ad55a44727a1 : Lords of Leipa shield
  • b59ab3c7-f70b-4de4-937e-074e97bfe327 : Razor
  • b61b9315-d9b4-4a93-bcc0-3db9848886ab : Woodcutter's axe
  • b741463f-fe65-430b-9082-13d1950a523d : Runt's club
  • b97a2084-a5ca-4d16-ab58-e4665afe212f : Cuman axe
  • bd0beb13-9c64-40fb-988c-ed1f0a122b14 : Shield decorated
  • c2d79308-ce89-41e4-b07c-8c00f4496370 : Bailiff's mace
  • c316062a-5633-4e1e-bea3-f226717c0258 : Noble sword
  • c76986a8-7b55-4bd3-bb20-cdbb0eea8727 : Shield with crest
  • c8072476-7ac0-4cdd-8cfc-51893e5c86c6 : Knight's hunting sword
  • c8c010e2-4ae9-42b3-8b02-df7d797237f9 : Shield with crest
  • c9cc366b-7192-4261-8861-be7877e9ef17 : Mercenary's bedfellow
  • cf58c28c-f2bd-41a0-9c6d-764767d144cf : Hunting spear
  • cf84a3f5-781a-4f1d-94b7-db8745a9682e : Lords of Leipa shield
  • cfa7a763-493e-41a7-98e8-7bd54bba4649 : Common shield
  • d133cf8c-dc76-48ca-a823-cf837e7f0f99 : Wooden Cuman shield
  • d14a845b-3787-4172-9fe4-f4dfcd6ac0ec : Fearnot
  • d289be6f-a7cb-44b2-b2d0-a0a45105ef98 : Test polearm
  • d2fdde4f-0d45-46d0-949b-b061b6619af6 : Shield with crest
  • d41af9ba-400f-49ae-91fa-38c7da4b815b : Envoy's aide-de-camp
  • d459cb3a-04b5-4de7-b115-35ec17d293ba : Queen of Sheba's sword
  • d5ca8f35-28ec-4bf3-b042-7c97ce4c4f14 : Metal-plated battle axe
  • d70b732b-c924-4dad-aa56-2f27e6e9c656 : Bouche shield
  • d7a081e8-2b8c-49d0-915d-2d3c8d4c5274 : Sir Radzig Kobyla's sword
  • db0725ac-c0e0-41db-b7a6-2887c57df612 : St. George's sword
  • db35e15d-ccc0-4c59-b76e-f7d6be6939f2 : Prodder
  • dcdc05d3-2ac9-40b1-b54f-d25c91966de8 : Heavy shield
  • de21749a-627d-406c-9dc6-e3e08d65d8d9 : Shield with crest
  • e0c5c6fb-6a02-4ead-9877-ff0464b92729 : Axe
  • e16b0af6-fb6a-43e2-9a9c-1b8c227e64b8 : Raven's beak
  • e3ee5787-f4c5-42b7-a900-33dc97c60706 : Cleaver
  • e5ab81a9-d02e-4361-acf5-ac755df7f2dc : Grandad's old sword
  • e5dfafd0-f45b-4b79-9e5d-b95d545a85f8 : Shield decorated
  • e5fc1a89-9bb1-44a9-a524-c6834a5e2e76 : Wooden training sword
  • e6391b02-c09c-495d-a980-ad675d523fb3 : Needle
  • e680ebb5-c752-4640-906d-70f332106154 : Pricker
  • e73cf113-a458-40fc-82a5-36c00f96da08 : Wooden training axe
  • e85bbb3c-a40e-4c42-94c2-61372a4e889a : Morgenstern
  • c470e0c-5bbd-43bb-803e-0e7867253c25 : Rider's sabre
  • ee4d4a9d-dfe7-432e-80ae-6be5ac6c6225 : Broad axe
  • eef9a291-fa86-454b-9a01-22d92647f5f1 : Lords of Leipa shield
  • ef79c956-744e-4731-a385-ecf9c57b3adc : Shield of Sasau garrison
  • f07a9b9b-10b5-4662-8b2a-8e5cd34b04a3 : Test longsword
  • f2817f34-9e28-4b97-8f6c-d2b2a7aaa61b : Bohemian earspoon
  • f42fb3ff-9790-4831-a364-ae7b9c60a519 : Decorated hunting sword
  • f7359b93-8312-4f13-8c51-ddb671a9edff : Bludgeon
  • ff2b21b8-c613-45ff-89c6-8a347cf37ff6 : Merchant's sword
  • ff88dfd6-181a-4de0-b82a-ad8f1d649bc8 : Test short sword

Bows & Arrows


  • 13ba7468-11a2-483d-8cb9-25ce36a2d228 : Better wounding arrow
  • 19df1c5c-3dbf-45c0-ac01-336facf5f741 : Poor quality arrow
  • 278d26d1-e9a7-4354-84f9-37d20cb72b45 : New test arrow
  • 4fd563e5-a44a-4a6e-958d-95bcb196814a : Ordinary arrow
  • 710e3706-8974-404b-b23a-6f51670ef1ed : Better hunting arrow
  • 7db6b854-e307-4a47-ba39-943190b2469e : Tournament arrow
  • 802507e9-d620-47b5-ae66-08fcc314e26a : Hunting arrow
  • a5b31bbc-1e11-4831-835b-c06d5b13a7da : Better piercing arrow
  • ad6f0f01-aec4-44d1-982c-1210eb01b74a : Long-distance arrow
  • c49aa63a-07a6-4417-9f9b-97f2712a4cd0 : Wounding arrow
  • c70cbea8-64fc-4309-b559-6b1ed76ea9d4 : Better long-distance arrow
  • d5e6764d-18ba-44cb-8dd0-6640a17785a8 : Better long-distance arrow
  • dfea5d01-b25c-414a-9ab4-6911a5f82118 : Piercing arrow
  • e5b3f681-3714-4623-97be-4015fa454797 : Quality arrow


  • 01b86c1e-1614-4310-8bed-10b7682e5815 : Villager's elm bow
  • 03589a69-d3f4-403a-a389-ca021e7c8f40 : Trial bow
  • 0d03afe4-9785-44d2-88d2-2c870de8dbfa : Elm longbow
  • 3bafe608-b757-491d-a51c-3a48b758a6b8 : Cuman bow
  • 47267303-7658-40a7-b39c-57aa8093c176 : Cuman bow
  • 481e7576-a6ee-4732-ba2f-98b88b430c41 : Villager's yew bow
  • 53dffc64-bf9c-4a28-af02-a2ec9705d4a7 : Yew hunting bow
  • 57ace80d-3683-486a-93b1-1bbe4c21e598 : Yew longbow
  • 58649b63-8239-4ef5-a834-5530d145fe95 : Cuman bow
  • 6096a15f-3d8a-496d-a24c-4776c10189d7 : Villager's dogwood bow
  • 65eb17e8-29e4-435f-98b1-74f577fe764c : Very light bow
  • 6e06e314-5cc0-41eb-a7b6-69896b121413 : Example bow
  • 7c1ee5f9-e089-4ee5-9f65-524976e86e7d : Cuman bow
  • 7fc2317f-6237-4423-82d2-8c809f651e85 : Ash hunting bow
  • b063cb37-8f17-49b9-88f8-04111fc81838 : Villager's hazel bow
  • b3fea5de-4ef1-4bcd-9836-7b3c7765ffbb : Villager's ash bow
  • c6909d59-330f-4fd6-8dad-36b4bd73613a : Ash longbow
  • cea13fef-025c-47bb-b148-9783b9951acc : Dogwood hunting bow
  • deb5276d-4926-4545-bdda-f457cac8bc01 : Villager's bow
  • e38a3c49-811b-4ff2-80d6-fc4d49d89ba5 : Hazel hunting bow
  • f2c83abc-2252-49f6-bbb7-dc8bc02979b2 : Capon's hunting bow

Alchemy Ingredients

Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command

  • 20774cbd-f9f8-48c8-99ab-632985b7ea56 : White feathers
  • 2bf46965-a851-4602-8282-cbefe7f24945 : Raven feathers
  • 33392df2-2b85-4875-998b-c313de495f57 : Cobweb
  • 347e61a6-d36e-4d1e-99ce-98c8ecbeee73 : Frankincense
  • 38ea59b9-ead9-4fb5-a62a-2051abd844a2 : Gall
  • 3db25e6e-dfe2-4b06-a079-80e6064073c4 : Antlers
  • 7b1c57a3-54fd-441f-8cad-21157bd1a85b : Wolf's fangs
  • a40e513f-045e-421c-99c9-c10dae3d9fe1 : Cave mushroom
  • a4f0f4c8-dc3f-4cb2-be89-f0f56fbb09fa : Wild boar's tusk
  • abb6cc5a-3592-406f-82ab-edfb73e219be : Fly agaric
  • b6de890f-068b-4a58-b927-0860becae508 : Honey
  • b9ed56a7-7965-48e3-ab35-78aec6733f3d : Salt
  • c5b24e5e-69f0-4ed9-bc74-96c3de9dc677 : Black feathers
  • ce3b63c5-b749-423a-b189-d98d0e14f781 : Red feather
  • d2a23942-45c1-4d5a-bcbc-96a09611af75 : Rooster feather
  • e8676cb3-98a9-4a71-949e-cb463e6f7732 : Antlers
  • f879ac63-2ce2-4114-83a2-89643c1ed102 : Charcoal


Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Reticle Command

  • 0290b689-c01c-480f-b121-bed71ad1f5e0 : Eyebright
  • 05bef17b-ddeb-426d-aa53-52ff6d4f521e : Poppy
  • 27b8a61f-36e4-4101-9be5-1b814d43bd8f : Valerian
  • 2ddf6256-0662-44c4-99fe-f713b6d900ea : Herb Paris
  • 4d9e61aa-3f90-4e5d-b836-f9e158196438 : Wormwood
  • 5e9b4fa1-aafa-4352-b5d6-58df2c263caa : Nettle
  • 7259b9bc-dfae-487e-a8bb-c1f500894e0c : Chamomile
  • 7da04bba-0564-42da-bcf1-9a2fc5faf025 : Mint
  • 9b771c16-c0b1-438c-aeda-8c4d3ce28465 : St. John's wort
  • a11cc7f6-b499-4003-aef1-938e87b30a2e : Dandelion
  • a314b580-bc97-4802-ae1f-8f4803e34503 : Belladonna
  • a364b800-c1ca-4bd1-92cb-ae1689bfa7ea : Thistle
  • b5587dd4-f7d8-4378-9903-7626a227ca0f : Henbane
  • b9de1d84-a0c1-4b81-9f60-8d7fbb3cb9d4 : Sage
  • bf7b7c2a-017b-4c7b-b9aa-0c4e29ce5913 : Marigold
  • de134f81-cfbe-422d-9105-df3e0b3b59b5 : Comfrey

Base Liquids

  • 310e921d-da62-48e4-88ef-de9f295e0045 : Alchemy spiritus
  • 34bd1d0b-1203-42a0-b9b4-d3585a4d9b48 : Alchemy oil
  • d5efb270-948b-4a38-b391-38b2edd31c8d : Alchemy wine
  • e96d768e-04e5-4480-9197-1c256d642ddc : Alchemy water


  • 006ec8d6-1ce1-4e90-8267-7c349812ddcd : Unknown potion
  • 0340b85d-71b0-4314-a6c9-8856d884bc92 : Diarrhoea potion
  • 1322a0ca-1be1-449a-b1fa-cd7079a9ba90 : Mind enfeeblement potion
  • 1ae018d8-f41b-482c-a679-d529f33ca335 : Syrup
  • 20361656-5917-40e9-be7f-a5e6cc07981d : None
  • 2509115d-59c9-44f8-9802-f600eba63fa9 : Amor potion
  • 2529e246-6f1b-4529-8d6b-64245207bae8 : Spirits
  • 2668d311-8667-4f27-b94b-7f6175678f17 : Lazarus potion
  • 27144e47-00aa-468e-a81b-49cb3b248b07 : Test Potion: Invincible
  • 2b24a290-ec3c-454c-901e-fea76aa76d74 : Bivoj's Rage potion
  • 31148cbb-8592-4b26-a1ae-8a9e07e309e6 : Lullaby potion
  • 3157d51d-7461-4fdc-9601-93bd5ed42156 : Bowman's Brew
  • 34d9f446-e5a7-4af4-858a-e96473de814f : Bard potion
  • 36d4b46d-75cb-4e58-a430-b1a0aa283088 : Dandelion syrup
  • 3d3f5935-c2e3-4e52-8a16-a6a04ee4a79f : Witch potion
  • 42e54d97-6e63-4e50-a09d-325ef4dd2286 : Bane potion
  • 567fc1b1-1424-4784-9da8-5104e2e7354d : Embrocation
  • 5c17d1d9-70ec-49d9-9b05-ae23247c045f : Dollmaker potion
  • 5f6cdfad-2e87-45e4-bd5a-e3b604adc766 : Aid for Merhojed
  • 6568088a-98b6-4353-81d1-31bd2662a545 : Preserver
  • 6b955a9b-d8de-492c-a53e-a052fab4ff0a : Nighthawk potion
  • 6d08f32a-997e-44f1-b6b6-9caf2ade9cf3 : Strong poison
  • 73b69372-3ccb-4bf4-bd21-94863da2654e : Tiredness potion
  • 73ff1fde-ec8b-41e9-95e3-b5938c715bf1 : Aesop potion
  • 850d28d9-9d0a-4b2e-9feb-e6c48c5f1aad : Vitality potion
  • 8b713d0c-9a04-4354-a53f-ffd384057fa6 : Antidote
  • 928463d9-e21a-4f7c-b5d3-8378ed375cd1 : Saviour Schnapps
  • 92c829ca-41f6-40a7-b8d9-aac5159c7a89 : Buck's Blood potion
  • ab25a50a-7836-47a9-acb2-5fd93684b8c5 : Padfoot potion
  • b0763820-556a-4d4c-a858-009aa897fb61 : Aid for Merhojed
  • b38c34b7-6016-4f64-9ba2-65e1ce31d4a1 : Marigold decoction
  • c40dc516-9886-4245-8a8b-2cbb16da918d : Cockerel potion
  • c9bfcc38-7ed1-4ed7-a86d-7ef0f7292762 : None
  • d837e829-d706-4db8-8e3d-e70a16882c96 : Hair o' the Dog potion
  • e1adda6e-aba9-4de2-a50f-062432fd73df : Oblivion potion
  • eca88106-4bab-4419-8772-4450739c193c : Digestion potion
  • ee4d5b06-0a7e-4073-969b-b11131e97fef : Test Potion: Stamina Frenzy
  • f1309a89-045f-44ae-a4d9-c997b892a162 : Artemisia potion
  • fd6cceee-06d0-4a0b-a0f6-c52d0afd5481 : Poison


  • 0686c001-d42b-467c-b3de-f87beb915c68 : Dog lard
  • 06be2a3d-4e05-4a78-85cd-33879cd669c9 : Herring
  • 0a78fe34-737c-4346-9762-6b3036fbc9c6 : Chicken heart
  • 0b4e244a-e3de-4502-afd0-fb7fe309629a : Cream
  • 0cb47176-06c5-42a9-8d70-969e917eb999 : Drinking water
  • 0f114f9c-166b-4ccf-8e52-e1106c94cc47
  • 0fc6cac7-29e6-4753-8873-0bcbbeba5548 : Roe-deer venison
  • 154a8471-b753-4f84-ac5f-d989c8532d02 : Bacon
  • 18ff9093-2cc4-4ab3-9f34-7cb0dd7cd30a : Chicken
  • 1afb192c-f3d9-4ac2-a261-623d56d70b7e : Dried mushrooms
  • 1c2da556-488b-4a86-b22a-c42acb299938 : Watermelon
  • 1df1ee61-0b44-4efd-bfa4-37efbcd4be42 : Roe deer meat
  • 2264f217-590e-4c0f-a4c6-f50c6532b9f6 : Apple
  • 22eb16a0-1175-4e2e-a951-33d362e288fb : Crystal meth
  • 239ea469-3237-48d8-af90-da7cdf4140dc : Cooked Lepiota
  • 24522d1a-942c-4e3f-870d-58861f898985 : Piece of meat
  • 265f4d46-a993-464f-8f84-919569aa6818 : Cracklings
  • 28a7c5cd-d80d-4167-ba1b-fcfc520c40b7 : test soup
  • 295c54f8-76a3-42fa-8fe1-8f1ecb63576b : Cooked apple
  • 29a4f58e-6e00-4f9c-9273-1a76e0eccff0 : Smoked sausage
  • 2bac1a01-c77a-4d1b-803d-020c33af4de2 : Sheep kidneys
  • 2eeb7bf7-f0ac-4c46-9468-97c2f76cb254 : Pear
  • 319a7fe7-1c5d-42fa-80cd-83126cb6eaff : Salami
  • 373747b8-5225-41ba-b511-56526ff90a30 : Cooked pork
  • 38df365c-a4bb-462b-80cc-eb92f16930fa : Cheap wine
  • 390c0dc8-23fd-42a0-91f2-a4d42f96a387 : Mead
  • 3a2d670c-bfc8-441a-aaf6-3a0ffc874b91 : Offal
  • 3c056762-3e14-471a-8f0e-8d57919fb9c4 : Cooked lamb
  • 3c1c1d0d-66c5-4b40-a501-6fb875c8e3c7 : Lentil soup
  • 3c78b620-ca94-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66 : Horsemeat
  • 4088cfbd-c7cc-46ba-9e68-8db8815932e3 : Cooked onion
  • 43e66d17-75e5-4832-a511-48c77b8d4cb3 : Cooked red-deer venison
  • 4446bc26-efff-4117-b4f5-19ee9045847d : Pork
  • 44593169-7482-4293-80bc-01c3144e4fa2 : Cooked beef
  • 45be379b-df05-4e13-9aa1-aaae649e8366 : Dried meat
  • 4a3dc302-b035-44cc-a49b-9da912c28cc1 : Cooked pork liver
  • 4a6fa310-067a-404d-9813-bd1761d1c70d : Onion
  • 4d1d646c-ce45-434b-96ae-cfa27b86b4b6 : Lamb
  • 4dab452b-7f35-4cd9-942f-f59fd14c83fe : Boletus edulis
  • 4eed0a2b-1233-40b4-88f5-7f67de916b58 : Cooked chicken
  • 4f4b113c-0d1c-4f37-b846-77869d810ab5 : Powdered unicorn horn
  • 501ef3d2-5d16-4f98-90bd-d40f6ff74e30 : Pea soup
  • 51555071-7c55-4da1-9b61-ee3c14fde18b : Milk
  • 52446f8a-3073-4006-b181-60c82475a03a : Cooked beef rump
  • 52afd6fa-9377-457c-83a2-b5b39321a4dc : Beer
  • 5459ce70-3c48-402f-9f59-98e2594328e8 : Cooked horsemeat
  • 55537a99-41ba-4497-925c-a543ced248e3 : Boiled beet
  • 5585da96-12c9-478d-a1a2-d5f206d9fe72 : Boiled cabbage
  • 5c0981cd-1c99-4690-8e54-29dbfc315c1d : Cooked beef tongue
  • 5dceabb5-aef0-4bf5-b401-acbc30a44e21 : Garlic
  • 5f02ef0d-0551-44b1-902c-c96a8650d01d : Cooked garlic
  • 5ff91d0f-e525-4b37-9256-d8fea8be1c8d : Beef tongue
  • 60a0200f-a581-4669-bb10-24ac4a28c071 : Lard
  • 6198800d-2524-4b66-b9ca-b640e2ae99f5 : Lentil soup
  • 63d98446-f3c8-4407-8949-c246295b1496 : Hardboiled egg
  • 68d9f225-030a-43c0-83b3-c4bc57568581 : Cooked roe-deer kidneys
  • 6a324aa9-a566-406c-a3f8-6c416a00b399 : Cooked trout
  • 6f1d0e9e-d532-4476-af7a-e24ea01da040 : Hare meat
  • 76fd4ad3-84e2-444c-9822-b67c4adbc349 : Roast chicken
  • 7899825d-ed6f-4f00-b698-649ba652cf6d : Beet
  • 7ac72484-f37f-458d-857a-74cf4bba672e : Boiled radish
  • 7ae2e77b-bdae-46cb-b6ac-f532cf225748 : Egg
  • 7beb4bdc-6478-455c-8746-afb92c604be8 : Honey
  • 7c5126cd-b010-4484-8465-22a3d69fa0df : Wine
  • 7c97d412-d1db-4d42-a85a-27f381f4a9e9 : Deer kidneys
  • 81358847-cc24-4036-aa0f-99f180cd4ecc : Cooked boletus
  • 81c21fdc-3d62-4d1f-854f-eb364db1bcff : Beef
  • 86076e68-53a6-4e5c-95c2-995f6ce9636d
  • 86e4ff24-88db-4024-abe6-46545fa0fbd1 : Bread
  • 8bfec925-7c39-447e-94bc-c4fb96fe12e7 : Horseradish
  • 8d6964b1-b645-4aa1-adcc-db22646f3722 : Cabbage
  • 907a2cd5-2730-424e-bf11-ef1f2db8f7e1 : Radish
  • 92afc95e-c52f-46d3-a78d-626def969b9b
  • a0a6a756-e204-4943-b215-543471b5cc39 : Red-deer venison
  • ab3ee24b-1e2f-4fe8-a3e8-a059d8391d2f : Cooked offal
  • b2f8f5e3-8e5e-4600-a4bb-be17e2d4a058 : Cheese
  • b3e363cf-8dde-4733-89a9-c468d5580d2e : Sweet pancake
  • b73fc42f-829f-4f3e-8ae5-2b6fc5f4b157 : Lentil mash
  • b7ee311c-736b-4f7c-987b-8431ce3b5600 : Carrot
  • b7ef543a-3421-43d3-b57d-94f382ae6822 : Porridge
  • b8f8953c-5668-4e6c-9d8c-843d85ec83ee : Cooked piece of meat
  • ba4b74ad-f8f1-427e-905b-1bc8c27163e7 : Boar meat
  • bc16f9ec-a4c9-4d4e-9f6a-35ffcad7085e : Dried fruit
  • bc26419a-f9d5-40bb-98f0-05b6c527e85a : Boiled carrot
  • bc76f2f4-8ba0-458e-8ec6-fc88d4c8202f : Cooked sheep kidneys
  • bc7771bc-5ef2-4177-8c8e-3b0e989175a4 : Cooked roe-deer venison
  • bd6a9ffc-68b6-4222-b7fd-7bd72634b712 : Cooked deer kidneys
  • be9bd6b7-b2c1-432a-90a7-4a13c58c0936 : Cooked deer liver
  • c27e73bd-05db-42c5-963e-09c42395160a : Lepiota
  • c352d8ae-4021-4f9b-b49c-b1f087f2cd2c : Pretzel
  • c64b7286-07b8-4bdf-afd0-359171d35249 : Schnapps
  • c6d9387a-30de-469a-a785-3220bf0426ba : Roe-deer kidneys
  • c888acac-26ef-4f4a-be33-0b8bd82e7500 : Roast duck
  • ca5a0aa3-e373-48ec-96e4-1c3b9907bac3 : Rosehip wine
  • ca873759-2d0d-4f2f-ba05-49b6c1872a9e : Bread roll
  • d031224d-34c3-4f2b-98f7-d77789a309c2 : Cooked hare meat
  • d7248e1e-64dd-4d38-8049-826eb2fb39d0 : Cooked dog meat
  • db357169-2012-4c12-b82b-d021cd4c8d9f : Cooked boar meat
  • db66940d-09bc-4450-8df9-8268e52e4ac2 : Cooked roe-deer meat
  • ddb0fc96-be22-42d8-ba8c-ff00b68c0481 : Coffee
  • de574125-0ff9-4d98-a1d9-74a7cf1f019c : Cooked chicken heart
  • dea2883f-6bd9-4f6e-bae8-80322d428652 : Fine wine.
  • e19d0a82-e5cc-49b2-b0a2-14b004cb4717 : Cooked horseradish
  • e1c06864-38e2-4bb8-a5c2-dcc52eee1c44 : Pastry
  • e63f4277-25d9-406b-90f4-cb8b79ab6dc3 : Magic PI - mushroom
  • e86b8924-37b9-479d-9249-b082b019d435 : Deer liver
  • e9170235-1d45-465b-bdec-a5599605e15e : Pork liver
  • eb47297f-4a52-45d4-b98c-057c2db35d33 : Rump
  • f0c9f56f-cd0f-4973-bfb5-3cea3e756bcc : Cooked pear
  • f2e16499-8a27-4acc-a4af-f29e00300507 : Trout
  • fdd2036c-15a6-462e-9a0e-acbe20288bcc : Cooked roe-deer kidneys
  • fe68ee1c-579a-4414-a794-da184ea494cd : Roe-deer kidneys
  • ff25cae9-7182-4d55-bbb0-0706404e5b69 : Dog meat


  • 167eb312-0e9d-4c2f-8ce3-56c32f5a84cb : Small armourer's kit
  • 238538b5-cd3e-460e-8e85-52c820edb716 : Cobbler's kit
  • 61f9f0db-1f71-4a5f-9970-7c1bb6e6dfb1 : Buffed Bandage Test
  • 6aeb1531-369e-47cc-ad6c-f78df1c37d13 : Armour kit
  • 85310d06-2845-46ee-be8f-295503b35035 : Small cobbler's kit
  • 9f7a0c0a-6458-4622-9cc5-2f4dd4898b50 : Small tailor's kit
  • 9fa3000e-3807-48a8-bed8-81427f0bda55 : Bandage
  • c707733a-c0a7-4f02-b684-9392b0b15b83 : Small blacksmith's kit
  • cda856d8-9ee4-4f61-b2c7-eace8e082d62 : Tailor's kit
  • f961d38d-12e6-430c-92d5-d7e7e45a87e9 : Blacksmith's kit

Books & Maps

  • 07160d62-c215-4ed7-8721-ec343e5347f1 : Engraver's documents
  • 09d8e88a-32f7-435c-800f-ac9dfe07da7a : The Kingdom of Bohemia
  • 0a9b5b2a-2614-4f11-a987-aab64133bea0 : Sharp as a Knife II
  • 0d7225ca-3896-4a8d-a2c6-82558a7741a9 : Recipe for poison
  • 0defd37d-cfec-446f-b307-e9ef65fea3f3 : Marathon II
  • 119f5336-3931-4dbc-96f4-d6f5b4fa87fa : Recipe for Amor potion
  • 12f62ab4-1b4e-4c76-8293-73bbb227b027 : The Rule of St. Benedict I
  • 1324d620-c5ad-4000-8dc5-3253e2d49a1d : Recipe for Lazarus potion
  • 1414462b-7ede-4d6d-ad85-8772c26f969f : On the Adamites
  • 1461d29c-a474-4645-bf53-32f3c1fe3113 : Saint Wilgefortis
  • 15756be8-18d6-41e0-9338-c5039d1d0548 : The Cumans
  • 15a92bc2-d1f3-438f-a104-c1fc7bd71996 : The Rule of St. Nicholas II
  • 17fee956-5ec2-4c95-abb4-e9f3a0aca530 : Tavern Life
  • 196ffe33-bec0-410d-abb5-138f69ececd7 : Marathon III
  • 1dc7d3ef-08b0-4d4f-aca1-78ddf60a5c10 : Grasses and Herbs
  • 20856f2c-1f0c-42dd-805a-87eb7902ddeb : Hercules and His Diet II
  • 20fa3692-2e69-4562-8949-48fcf81fc813 : Recipe for Spirits
  • 218418c0-f211-40b3-afa9-f1bff300d0b5 : The Alchemist's Dream II
  • 26c491bf-b876-43fc-ad25-34b3a6f7980f : Treasure map II
  • 26cf61b2-5d9f-49b1-94b7-c82e0924abf2 : Silence is Golden and Other Myths III
  • 2abf0600-2cae-4c1b-a789-2f633aca4f73 : The Joy of Gutting
  • 2aca6ba2-e72f-4b29-a550-2f8af50d49ff : Marathon IV
  • 2c180a20-ac66-4093-b0d6-15046ea5fa34 : Silence is Golden and Other Myths II
  • 2cd02a0f-d7e3-44c3-ac8f-7b6da6ac3f37 : Recipe for Bowman's Brew
  • 2eae1626-8e2c-479d-b4cf-e3c298725986 : Treasure map XIV
  • 306e8746-088f-456a-9454-f43df58bb618 : Rule of St. Benedict II
  • 317fb715-6967-41c5-ab2c-f65f7391b6df : Novice acceptance records
  • 325afbbb-3f0c-4d79-a990-0a3124a44907 : Recipe for Marigold decoction
  • 327fc55f-4bd0-45c2-984c-c6ad62dac8c2 : Treasure map XI
  • 32ad55e4-fb31-406c-a8d0-706872ba206e : Recipe for Nighthawk potion
  • 33f044a1-c7b1-497d-adbb-b514cb440fc5 : The Prince-Electors
  • 3426fb05-4786-493b-a64e-6c976aaa5321 : The Peculiar Siege of Prague
  • 3bed7288-086a-4a62-8291-22f32291b06f : Latin book II
  • 40d029c9-3b81-4758-8aa2-a6c71fc4500b : Latin book III
  • 40e6397c-2f66-4740-a4eb-1b7d77bb2a23 : Treasure map VII
  • 42216ef3-d07f-4f65-8e38-3c89e53e48b8 : Ancient Map III
  • 4461ae67-bd5e-4f5d-b543-d7718e09e610 : The Joy of Gutting III
  • 453be04d-7edb-4e77-94d1-3a31aa5481eb : Tavern Life III
  • 477821f4-91c4-45d6-95b2-3382e0d7350d : Recipe for Artemisia potion
  • 4935b34d-fb9f-4a80-91de-0c79eb437d52 : Grasses and Herbs IV
  • 4abed021-3f89-4519-b9e2-e7365be45b09 : Ancient Map IV
  • 4bc80faf-3615-4eba-b1e6-885e1ff76d4f : Treasure map V
  • 4c269b41-ae42-4ac2-8d48-25f46f37847e : Recipe
  • 4c71660a-527f-448b-8832-ef80dad3e322 : Treasure map XVI
  • 4eba4ef8-7022-4842-a49f-511478b91469 : Who Needs a Key?
  • 4ed69166-1d45-4582-aa56-27e4fe368449 : Who Needs a Key? IV
  • 4f960851-461f-4a52-859a-42fed994099b : Primer
  • 54235ce5-57e6-4a07-af32-9ac9e11c0709 : Black Chronicle of Rattay
  • 543ce983-2cdf-4905-afc5-7e3325ba46d8 : Captive's letter
  • 55057cac-7e39-47f8-921c-68de4f3e04cb : Silence is Golden and Other Myths IV
  • 5538d184-00b8-4604-a68d-9eabbef1f591 : Recipe for Aqua Vitalis
  • 56fb7288-7e6f-4f32-a0b2-75e2fa47295f : On Simony
  • 573023a0-3e7f-400e-a43c-d3e16b4c72ab : Wenceslas IV
  • 576f5c23-d5f0-4372-971c-b8cb068eca3f : Shadow Play II
  • 585319b6-f72f-4662-99dd-817a1c40758d : Hercules and His Diet IV
  • 59374dd5-b243-47f9-be1a-b168407f6d9a : Treasure map I
  • 5943bccf-03ce-4ced-bef7-b28f4d5f3fb1 : Latin book V
  • 5b1ddc30-3422-46ce-98e4-e8d2eedaf028 : Latin text
  • 5b262db6-3fa3-4be6-b0d5-4c50f2d35a5e : Latin book IV
  • 5d1c2c66-55b9-4c36-85a5-0a11da319f0a : Basic horse-riding skills
  • 5eb14c68-d99c-4a11-a260-51cbf2a9d2a2 : Recipe for Bard potion
  • 6039016f-464c-486e-8bb7-f4fe160dbe88 : Recipe for Buck's Blood potion
  • 604529f5-ba8b-46e8-8210-2683d67d6dbb : Recipe for Aesop potion
  • 6074da31-4882-4ab4-81ee-ff7e570e29b2 : The Joy of Gutting IV
  • 62f6fbbc-e68d-4c4c-a472-f8fbbbb8fcf8 : Karel's commission
  • 6328b5e5-3747-42a0-9d4d-c6e91f3c26ff : Old Father Czech
  • 6407d0df-eba0-40de-9f7c-362d9301d58c : Latin book I
  • 64d17160-25c7-45f2-888f-db0ea167de5f : Avicenna - Sufficientia
  • 6615363c-e609-499c-90bb-921e6ab07c71 : Primer III
  • 67b39af3-6074-4acc-8b28-f11ce62faeff : Recipe for Lullaby potion
  • 682f330c-40e8-454b-86d4-9fcb4e9ec742 : Shadow Play
  • 68c2427e-2e9f-4b32-b947-15ae1840d102 : Overseer's ledger
  • 6992abe6-b51e-4024-a654-13e7cd49028d : Grasses and Herbs II
  • 6c2efaae-819d-4899-be2b-e4e6142047f7 : Hercules and His Diet
  • 6caca7be-2792-484c-9128-3ade0489934d : Basic horse-riding skills IV
  • 6e3c3cfd-0315-436b-9b52-9087a127e644 : The Rule of St. Nicholas IV
  • 6eb6ee59-af87-4f75-ada5-b0c655f5f1ab : The Alchemist's Dream III
  • 74885c5c-e489-45c2-bb69-6011092396b3 : On Libuse and Premysl
  • 78e4ff84-aca1-46b2-9e13-3a538a8f4c63 : Treasure map IV
  • 79d3f004-e641-4fbf-bcbe-731966ab804e : Everyday Labours
  • 7a4cbad4-2c5f-4121-ae58-dfe17540a848 : Treasure map XVII
  • 7a7db7c5-3089-4224-b180-6e7ece2a534f : Silence is Golden and Other Myths
  • 7afa398b-2f51-4acf-be39-42971061e5e7 : Marathon
  • 7b80535e-9945-4340-b086-733cc0813f89 : Sharp as a Knife
  • 7becbe4a-c4b4-448e-bb12-5a383da1db31 : Necronomicon II
  • 805ba438-34c7-4ef5-8699-d7a61721b1c4 : St. Adalbert
  • 80a73944-1c3e-4fcf-b4c5-9fed24d3757c : Ancient map V
  • 8178448f-fbe8-49bb-b574-edef9c3dc966 : Treasure map XXI
  • 847a8a68-1097-4c97-baeb-f30c0bfd174d : Treasure map XV
  • 84877aac-ea4f-45eb-bc53-77d4886207f1 : Treasure map XIX
  • 87ccb223-a396-4381-8ce3-a08e99277a11 : Ancient map I
  • 8b38e0bd-f28f-4863-bea5-850770c8f8f6 : Seal
  • 8b8f2de7-d10e-4ccd-8e97-39134ddd78ac : Recipe for Witch potion
  • 8c23bd24-ea62-43b3-ac49-357ff34d3ed2 : Agile as a Weasel II
  • 8d8f5757-beb1-4e09-8899-c5dc17c15891 : Basic horse-riding skills III
  • 8f33ba0d-31ac-4867-80f6-2acb555ed26c : Ancient map II
  • 905f75d5-b0dc-4990-bbe4-2d971ddc9e6d : Recipe for Hair o' the Dog potion
  • 94131fb9-3956-4704-baf9-4415f8d229b5 : Ulrich's documents
  • 9475fa39-7ce3-4253-9953-fe03c753d8fd : On Prague
  • 99a4625d-816a-4d72-9859-098a5ba016ae : Recipe for Preserver potion
  • 9a20ef55-669b-48d6-895f-b568e91f8a13 : Treasure map XII
  • 9a2e6d4d-92ca-4011-940d-4ae85408054e : Heretic's testimony
  • 9cfb899c-3bdd-44b3-9960-54c630ac1780 : Forged leave of absence
  • a048af10-45f4-4766-b7eb-90f2d8098fef : Treasure map III
  • a49c0356-66c4-4cbf-99f6-9581f15bb39d : Tavern Life IV
  • a4bbfe01-e327-4063-87a0-3a64692641e7 : Charles IV
  • a4f2c91e-e504-4283-93c5-9bd2c00d5f0f : Treasure map XIII
  • a955dc3d-1327-40d2-a9ea-bb2d06f576ec : Recipe for Bane potion
  • ad347b6b-40c8-48be-b757-1d40aaf2d6a8 : The Alchemist's Dream IV
  • afcb6aea-750e-4ea8-a157-ff233a1d5e15 : Grasses and Herbs III
  • b04d6c1a-c045-49ac-9f52-1e0d87eab091 : Primer IV
  • b13d06f4-6c38-405d-9998-93128f4eb6dc : Treasure map VIII
  • b2e94e5a-4261-47e2-a57f-3b1c1b37aa68 : Shadow Play IV
  • b3b743c3-ff6c-459d-9941-6f8cf6e627eb : Treasure map IX
  • b3ee8c6a-9f16-45aa-88cb-6d0a4698d96b : Recipe for Cockerel potion
  • b4e55ad0-2d40-4995-b6ff-b320c6f8f057 : Sermon of Master Jan Hus
  • b501b610-9c79-4a78-94e6-aeefb034a507 : Who Needs a Key? III
  • b95f10cb-5225-4308-ada7-8405a8238b29 : Agile as a Weasel IV
  • c16e5a45-b0de-4ccb-b6c2-69f49061014c : Sharp as a Knife IV
  • c4087dfd-6d59-4ff1-bd0e-eb94bec5f5f0 : The Joy of Gutting II
  • c449a063-f58b-4ab5-8df1-d24d71384630 : Who Needs a Key? II
  • c5634802-25a9-4b5f-a96f-19b439a6695d : Treasure map XX
  • c5718b58-0082-412d-ae93-2ef6cf46ecd7 : Recipe for Antidote
  • c7f38ec8-6628-4b1d-bf9d-5247557f48a5 : Letter from Vranik
  • c93d6795-ed9a-429a-9680-32afc0676938 : Flea and wart remedy
  • c95a4acf-136c-4ce5-88d1-e9599aef64f6 : Maidens' War II
  • cbe084af-0d9c-4a97-8d83-b9bb8fa02e02 : Hercules and His Diet III
  • cc09837c-c2d7-4270-869a-6a9583c5bef8 : The Groom and the Apprentice
  • cc18118c-8add-4fee-9df8-ceb8c72e41b1 : Treasure map XXIII
  • d00b8aa6-d846-4dfd-8a58-96f7dcd9289e : St. Procopius and Sasau Monastery
  • d09b5bbf-8db5-4bea-a5c4-67bf11a6cbe8 : Breviarium
  • d0a195d2-8b17-4314-aa93-0a6934996abb : Tavern Life II
  • d45d8a3f-1292-4310-9b39-8f811f0ea5f5 : The Alchemist's Dream
  • d6621d5b-16d0-4754-8976-b7ba817c15ac : Jotted n


  • 00c214ca-d9cb-4d2a-b3e8-95545fd2f3e9 : Travel horseshoes
  • 0a79aed1-1d5a-4104-ae2e-6de2648ea9b4 : Silver neckchain
  • 0bf732db-ca19-4f0b-a56f-c83a79806d8f : Gold chain
  • 15656c3e-d29e-48a8-bc0e-1451102a9ce5 : Silver spurs
  • 19d5def6-e491-43c7-ab1d-5978ac197485 : Knight's spurs
  • 229d96aa-a435-4e89-85ce-8119a1df8228 : Cuman spurs
  • 275bc631-75cb-41ad-be6c-bc9f319fcb5d : Test AntiStealth Shirt
  • 38d4a88c-068f-4067-8000-0604b3d41ac8 : Test AntiStealth Boots
  • 3b2f6f90-615d-4e8d-b9a4-bf04c4e99d59 : Ring
  • 40024d27-b1c4-6ef7-3ca0-98025de43f9e : Caparison
  • 40031fce-5752-3279-92f6-b564d55aeb8f : Cuman brigandine
  • 40092838-9807-c0f7-4a48-264b6ed78c8c : Plain bridle
  • 400b4bb0-a1d0-9bec-1b90-5b2bfcb9e9af : Orange tunic
  • 401179d4-8a48-cc9a-ceac-eeaf7eb7b099 : Decorated arming doublet
  • 40129e7b-b9e0-a193-1145-d53292caf7a1 : Saxon composite chausses
  • 4015718d-f526-1bb1-da6f-6e390b15e2b8 : Long dark waffenrock
  • 401ad7c8-4a34-0ef9-7117-9e4ce2044e9a : Short noble hauberk
  • 4025719c-da4e-cb6e-963a-c26ca4cdaa9d : Saxon dyed gambeson
  • 40280c67-9421-1fc8-0d54-ae5d47c978b9 : Fashionable black hose
  • 40298c73-9675-13b1-77ad-4ed61a6e36bb : Some garment
  • 402c55d2-ae62-bf47-823f-8a5760eab7bd : Caparison
  • 402d9c88-ef9a-8eef-7475-107459ea1794 : Aachen dyed gambeson
  • 40317a13-b96c-e894-3334-e5d70b9420bb : Polish composite chausses
  • 40324632-16c8-5979-2c76-e38210ee2a9b : Aachen brigandine chausses
  • 4038ccc9-976c-efd3-014c-0cc80a6695b5 : Brigandine dyed pauldrons
  • 403f6db2-1285-31da-81c6-db426db9d6a5 : Aachen gauntlets
  • 4047af36-3956-e89a-490a-0c38d55c97a4 : Oleshnitz waffenrock
  • 4063f2eb-d6d6-a27e-c1d7-a0885269108c : Decorated shirt
  • 40692480-f24c-54fa-c938-50ccf45918b9 : Nobleman's boots
  • 406b05fb-c409-f2d0-ec82-8c9e6dd422b8 : Quilted dyed jacket
  • 406bc0f2-ba52-b3f7-8844-10bcdec68195 : Sturdy dark gambeson
  • 406c92ad-4c17-25d7-84d7-28500800f59e : Fine saddle (3 saddlebags)
  • 406d2498-5b1e-90dc-4beb-37a0a67ce5a4 : Riveted decorated chausses
  • 4076ced0-55f6-49a0-3364-e6183c03368f : Decorated cotte
  • 407c5a00-2e73-f2dc-6a0b-8244c78e5da7 : Caparison
  • 407f6f52-d70e-7e3b-056d-cda8069aab86 : Cuman riding boots
  • 408660f0-4742-ef99-b434-7f52cfdc2b9c : Townswoman's dress
  • 4088843b-6f0b-7016-1e16-e2455e33dcb6 : Decorated arming doublet
  • 40975019-110c-86fc-4f18-5b36799744bb : Red shirt
  • 409cf64d-afc1-1c2c-0af2-2042f2d4f6a0 : Long Sasau waffenrock
  • 40a2b1d3-f475-a8f3-667a-075486518b8f : Warhorse hauberk
  • 40a5de5a-d3a5-c4c3-f5f1-71ab661d55b4 : Caparison
  • 40a9b459-1058-26a6-19f8-0e6ffe01418e : Heavy quartered gambeson
  • 40aed3da-9bdd-180b-65cd-fd81947fc3a9 : Common dress
  • 40af7f97-143c-95a5-5e0b-01efbfac29b6 : Plate couters
  • 40b08f5c-ffdf-4e83-de69-23a17580c3bc : Short light brigandine
  • 40b23098-b54b-19e3-2fd6-88dd8e63878c : Hemmed waffenrock
  • 40b49226-beb6-64df-e1c5-c34f627379be : Blue pourpoint
  • 40b5371b-6235-e4de-db1e-4528b11a25b6 : Shoes
  • 40b60983-804f-22fc-8259-ab4a6820829b : Riveted decorated chausses
  • 40c05582-26f8-b1dc-f0ba-80e717a8869e : Decorated cuirass
  • 40c16f73-5b83-c139-96eb-c39ff5e9e7a6 : Noble saddle (2 saddlebags)
  • 40c72054-15bf-abaa-ab7d-ee053314458c : White tunic
  • 40c728ba-95cb-9ffc-7688-4ed73eb053ab : Red hemmed waffenrock
  • 40cda4e4-8741-4f52-e43c-71fec6d81a96 : Magdeburg gauntlets
  • 40dac35d-5df7-e4b3-ba7c-ca2c9c706f93 : Padded coif
  • 40dd1053-b0b7-2390-9f5d-b844104748b5 : Grey tunic
  • 40e576c7-74e8-216e-a4f0-a3aa6bd35387 : Caparison
  • 40e66e8a-bf10-8c39-66e0-aac2eb644dba : Hungarian gambeson
  • 40e7af0d-4262-1d6b-ea86-aaf55d6e76a2 : Heraldic waffenrock
  • 40ebc815-c78f-24ea-aff7-0e4beb4136b8 : Saxon gambeson
  • 40edf98e-f577-4192-67cd-4f1776d14ea4 : Nurembergian cuirass
  • 40ffe5a0-95c6-1bb6-8347-25d93cfd4fbd : Monk's habit
  • 41033745-5681-2a81-3010-446999b7f8ad : Green and yellow hood
  • 4119b64e-f072-0cf2-4b8c-13e5ee901994 : Black pourpoint
  • 411f568d-9e62-417c-38a1-ae108bb233ba : Caparison
  • 412e44fb-0e4c-0e80-b763-0b6493b13fa0 : Buttoned red cotehardie
  • 41366e7f-a0e5-0f23-142a-40f1ca76aabb : Sunday dress
  • 413806e7-f3b7-c6cf-2309-e47ce3c97fa2 : Hauberk
  • 41382adf-569c-4f33-90a0-36b6e874eca7 : Plain saddle
  • 41392bb2-9214-92e9-0e7d-e0438149eaa4 : Grey hose
  • 41412ccb-2199-b9bf-9c79-21c9227b94a7 : Fashionable blue hose
  • 4143839b-d46c-0c4f-6bb5-764c742bdba9 : Padded black coif
  • 414d7408-c2b3-e891-a652-88d1d9c9da8a : Long dark waffenrock
  • 41537adc-9759-2dd8-377d-5260815b3eb7 : Brown cotehardie
  • 415525ee-9ecb-2fd0-edbd-bac703478b93 : Plain chemise
  • 4156d594-be4a-71c2-8ede-4d517ac668a5 : Padded chausses
  • 416511f7-268c-03fe-6cd2-2135987e2686 : Multi slot test
  • 4169c72a-d47d-530e-1631-ee46c0f3549e : Some garment
  • 416e3fea-aa2d-da7e-45f1-f8d39e1cf6b2 : Green hood
  • 416efb7c-8e5f-3518-89d2-5b9af35ad7b6 : Hungarian hauberk
  • 41737fee-a0ce-0b64-e660-fbe660befb81 : Some garment
  • 417fd467-dbb9-0016-6e6d-89ce0b507fbe : Old plate pauldrons
  • 4181c649-2642-3d6c-7eb4-6c09f74dbe8d : Decorated blue hose
  • 41866b96-12d5-290a-90a6-67cf4db3ab83 : Kuttenberg split gambeson
  • 4187ee7a-4331-8224-4853-0d071256b7ad : Blue hose
  • 418864f6-f9c0-ead7-dd4e-6f3aacb0288c : Aachen dark brigandine
  • 41895ca4-a65a-026d-d5f6-0515a9f5e29a : Cuman caftan
  • 4191cf8a-14e4-2c6e-91fb-1d8f3410ef88 : Linen shirt
  • 419318a6-d970-bc9c-de88-f404bc01ce9c
  • 419c5f08-fcdb-ac66-9d5f-97eda0f49393 : Beggar's tunic
  • 41a87049-190c-d5d4-40e8-5950ec296680 : Leather apron
  • 41a9ea6a-eed1-471c-754a-196d368245a6 : Warhorse greaves
  • 41acce88-081c-c9a2-e16a-e956bf39a2ac : Linen shirt
  • 41afa317-7311-5ecb-8a91-94189c2dc2a9 : Dark quilted vest
  • 41b0dcfd-e60f-dd06-41bd-08c8d4ba7d91 : Monk's habit
  • 41b3cfda-0a6c-c009-9482-4c78ea2f1980 : Fine saddle (2 saddlebags)
  • 41ba5cc8-60ba-5e3e-8e80-39270a2acf83 : Beggar's dark tunic
  • 41bcef0c-d101-397a-0897-8367d9f8ffa6 : Yellow hose
  • 41bdd901-3106-cae3-ac2b-479ef7642a9a : Devil's costume
  • 41be015c-6d05-d058-f5d8-62c17ac8c3a2 : Padded coif
  • 41c031a0-b9f5-4d3f-3968-7f453be343b5 : Short red waffenrock
  • 41c05047-74e5-f23d-1fe8-b0a8db360087 : Caparison
  • 41c13ac4-ee03-073c-3a31-3f04a97e6abd : Some garment
  • 41c44a2b-9d1c-4c64-f07a-bba3f7288ba0 : Red cotehardie
  • 41c75f0e-a8a1-e4f0-07be-67ebce8b7bab : Red hose
  • 41cc3e13-635a-38e0-59b1-0225461b6c85 : Red and white hood
  • 41d7815b-1696-571f-d688-d713b39472ba : Townswoman's dress
  • 41d8e48a-a3a1-1cb6-76b2-fc99ed139b85 : Long Sasau waffenrock
  • 41e3f765-4595-8384-6f46-f7ad2a89a6b2 : Blue long-sleeved tunic
  • 41e550e4-12df-49f0-3b05-74959224a8a5 : Milanese brigandine
  • 41e9f784-dd0d-9329-b0e9-88d0527a2ebc : Devil's costume
  • 41f6e46c-bca6-16da-169a-f0c8f1a6e2ab : Noble saddle (4 saddlebags)
  • 41fe34ab-46ea-6c34-da68-f1e66f46fb89 : Light brigandine
  • 4206570b-ab9b-a407-e693-29b90e475d81 : Kuttenberg gauntlets
  • 42076ef6-c07e-c43f-b9a1-56bc290a95a0 : Some garment
  • 420ee3b3-d9a6-583a-23f4-ec1399a1eea3 : Green tunic
  • 420f7feb-dc22-a2ec-b2a6-e1178f8c8386 : Linen hood
  • 421ff758-4be3-cc11-1946-39ceb56aecb1 : Caparison
  • 4222ca69-3a10-91c1-91ff-26f36122b8a2 : Bright Milanese brigandine
  • 422917fc-435a-f436-3245-a356367f8881 : Milanese plate pauldrons
  • 422c924d-eed3-9183-f47f-3b62e6b66ea1 : Short common hauberk
  • 4235868c-a29d-0e49-e7dd-20c97940d7ba : Green hose
  • 42391032-a081-32d9-fd70-ac88f3873487 : Decorated cotte
  • 423b537e-8fa9-fc3d-10db-443d45e27cbf : Red-yellow tunic
  • 42414d23-c8dc-7b1a-31e6-00644075feaa : Warhorse coif
  • 4249522f-a1db-7d3e-020f-237390c80ba2 : Cuman riding breeches
  • 424d9151-9ccb-989f-7bd8-3c690a9e4393 : Augsburg gauntlets
  • 4251c432-e9a3-bafe-cf3e-60ff40794287 : Simple cotte
  • 425f0fc1-64b6-f3c1-e555-844714ae1581 : Green shirt
  • 4277266f-8712-e8bf-8020-7a8b857f5795 : Rattay noble's waffenrock
  • 427b04b2-3827-ad9f-39ef-3f2b595b0db3 : Yellow-grey tunic
  • 427c2cae-550e-9dc6-f050-467c3901b4aa : Linen shirt
  • 4285fd0b-4e57-9fde-6264-f987ba080bb9 : Piece of cloth
  • 42936ec8-4b9e-13d9-624f-6762c2f383b6 : Apron
  • 42960eae-d460-e350-5a80-e1689724269d : Decorated Bavarian hauberk
  • 429628f5-b491-51fe-d644-654f6fc13fbe : Fashionable green hose
  • 429b05ff-5eec-37ac-e8c0-5e5a51feb99c : Silesian dyed gambeson
  • 42a14b38-295a-a659-3e43-c1684a5dfa88 : Fine saddle
  • 42a18a5a-b2d0-07eb-14c7-ed9f665ca695 : Decorated red waffenrock
  • 42ff5615-e472-bfb0-27e9-6ba3962eca9f : Dirty work shirt
  • 43043f1f-64ad-95cb-f55c-fd7d624ba294 : Dyed Bavarian gambeson
  • 43062de7-afe1-5743-5aec-d4dcff83c1b8 : Fine saddle (4 saddlebags)
  • 430f6156-27f7-b985-9b1d-18c495273cbd : Saxon halved gambeson
  • 4314de6e-9f05-d843-18d8-2de11aa07798 : Light decorated hose
  • 431a2a36-312d-d6b0-ddff-fcaddc294291 : Long noble hauberk
  • 431fac2f-58f6-38e8-953e-5738656f1a87 : Aachen brigandine chausses
  • 4320bd8b-1039-799c-4503-ad2cbf79b4ad : Long Talmberg waffenrock
  • 4321398a-0000-834f-5c6b-624ba7caaf89 : Yellow-black hose
  • 432237ec-b13a-bd6c-4026-a3db68e4d89e : Red and white hood
  • 43241eed-522c-0369-97e9-ae414829a9ba : Noble's dark shoes
  • 4327d9fc-2c1b-2d1b-e60d-63a202c133b9 : Buttoned grey cotehardie
  • 434098fa-7f58-be87-9524-dc2b5ba11ca3 : Nobleman's gauntlets
  • 434525c9-f3b4-c1e5-9ab0-f1002b13a68d : Noble yellow-green hose
  • 43479cae-7ed8-097f-01f5-8234d5d38f85 : Cuman riding boots
  • 4347d1c1-1035-f342-4447-eae73bd785a7 : Riveted bright chausses
  • 434d07c4-ec87-4e17-b3d7-354e1cd55f8b : Heavy quartered gambeson
  • 434e3f99-d8f6-bf7b-3e26-43d95b91f693 : Kuttenberg gambeson
  • 434f28e3-25e8-8bef-ee5b-1b331d106e99 : Green shirt
  • 4350ad68-f244-477a-f4af-f8e0019041ad : Talmberg waffenrock
  • 4353f1e8-e0c6-30a6-c5e8-5b76a22093a0 : Hunter saddle (4 saddlebags)
  • 43631624-d640-42c8-be81-0a236b8ed094 : Saxon dyed gambeson
  • 4373f01b-b49e-5a74-31f1-6302dcda5d8f : Blue combat jupon
  • 4377c0a6-98d4-ebdb-eb0a-f35220fb1398 : Light padded armour
  • 43858f99-def2-df4b-b86d-8dd9f6773ea5 : Multi slot test 2
  • 4386177a-6262-3144-72c9-0e4ec9922cb3 : Waffenrock
  • 4396554c-2efb-6a68-f490-eee58844a7b5 : Saxon composite chausses
  • 439e49c5-e468-57c2-d44c-9ac6066f14b6 : Head scarf
  • 43a7cb95-710e-b5f4-35be-43f1a281a692 : Yellow combat jupon
  • 43c85848-0181-06b6-a870-2b3c951e8aa8 : Hunter saddle
  • 43f19e40-1107-38aa-a226-5d6179e9b4a3 : Cuman hauberk
  • 43f3824e-53b6-1b32-99e0-87b4eeef238f : Long linen shirt
  • 440074cf-4d3d-5d80-2944-f49d91d642a1 : Dyed Milanese brigandine
  • 4403dcbc-2050-0622-6232-b905c452bbb1 : Coif
  • 44041a83-3119-dfe4-e12f-5098935f409c : Blacksmith's apron
  • 4405924b-de8b-e31b-72f1-29bb227ff1b1 : Saxon composite chausses
  • 44059610-696d-7039-c0ee-c69a92217392 : Lamellar pauldrons
  • 44135951-cf1c-f2fd-15f0-0f0ea223a584 : Mail chausses
  • 441b0b1a-719b-cacc-4a6c-f2668cb96a92 : Blue and green hose
  • 441caaeb-3921-f600-79f5-9256210026bf : Green cotehardie
  • 441e44c2-718d-c0bb-4c52-32ce88adda98 : Padded coif
  • 4428b573-53c4-bb84-4118-2de98c6ce19d : Cuman caftan
  • 44342f54-fc71-f435-c68a-d6382d1e0ca2 : Short light brigandine
  • 4439d7db-c440-9576-cd07-2d531afa7bb6 : Light brigandine
  • 44414acf-f175-7e9b-3af0-57f2b339aa90 : Red hemmed waffenrock
  • 44469251-9749-7d7c-7903-0810520959a4 : Loose hose
  • 4454e377-d0d8-5bbb-e968-3e41cd366899 : Red hood
  • 44641203-1426-4db8-90f7-8638e3e9fbba : Head wreath
  • 446d9158-a7e3-910b-95a8-12eee9e04997 : Elongated mail coif
  • 4472ab5e-def2-e154-34a3-15349c976283 : Orange shirt
  • 4476da15-6311-7757-da7d-196e812d7885 : Sunday dress
  • 4493f515-b6d8-ebc4-8bd3-469c524b339f : Brown hose
  • 449e796c-59b4-7ceb-1f61-4162b0caf4aa : Composite gauntlets
  • 44a86f03-1c17-1efb-966f-2202f6360c88 : Riveted decorated chausses
  • 44b27e34-566f-cb38-775b-e5981a74f6b8 : Long Talmberg waffenrock
  • 44bb813b-e0cc-da13-3dd3-8d31977064be : Yellow shirt
  • 44c85d0b-cc09-e054-7fd0-c2183d36cda9 : Red tunic
  • 44c87fc7-cbb4-0f2c-de4c-f2ac16781b98 : Cuman cotte
  • 44d904d0-03cc-8851-8fb9-31bc292d208c : Lightweight dark brigandine
  • 44dd60cb-a67f-395f-a6a2-25feeceadd99 : Brown shirt
  • 44e9bb1f-35fb-9ccb-c0d0-482cd005b990 : Padded coif
  • 44eaf3b9-c5a3-9225-1573-2a85e7c1e780 : Multi slot test 2
  • 44eaf818-5cb6-3868-b3c4-f51d821773a0 : Decorated arming doublet
  • 44ee56de-46f9-0169-0d72-606c82576b97 : Saxon plate pauldrons
  • 44f1b7f3-9098-6bc9-2965-ceb35571719c : Plate jack dyed
  • 44f5058a-a445-887b-d443-32fe726b528c : Warhorse pauldrons
  • 45143b21-88c0-6217-1848-099a680d26b9 : Short brigandine chausses
  • 4516652a-7e40-d46d-cdd7-62ea97c3bb83 : Augsburg plate pauldrons
  • 4517b07b-ca19-07bf-6011-e2cec8868185 : Dark Saxon gambeson
  • 45250d25-a050-fd3d-5fcd-c1e046582681 : Sunday dress
  • 4526668a-3a05-6aa2-f9f9-280de886c48f : Short Rattay waffenrock
  • 452a54af-683d-e31d-a396-671272017a90 : Monk's habit
  • 453044fc-b31c-e8df-76a1-6f4b701758b8 : Red noble's hood
  • 45345fd3-43ed-b961-fde6-af37d4993aa7 : Green Cuman tunic
  • 453d9fa5-5eec-b6de-ab47-1775370f43b1 : Decorated dress
  • 453ea77f-9f5a-dfb5-1934-f18e44ab08a0 : Dagged cotehardie
  • 4548d3e7-b0d0-6749-4623-d3664a7410a7 : Decorated cotte
  • 455ce2bd-2e97-1dc1-9e14-90927f0b4b9d : Aketon dark
  • 45683673-edcb-4446-a995-3e76c0f11bae : Common gambeson
  • 4572c66d-bdf2-fa90-def9-c6fd3e877ca9 : Warhorse gambeson chausses
  • 4573af03-8382-d87c-93aa-5dbb6fc79698 : Vambraces
  • 457ca6d3-b64a-66b8-4c1e-fd606a6530af : Monk's habit
  • 4585d5bc-f93a-9c76-495c-405c81027491 : Tight hose
  • 458a11a5-7293-463b-4a8b-0ec665af1388 : Green tunic
  • 45a39144-03ee-67b2-e79c-864bedf93186 : Heavy hauberk
  • 45af7bc3-18ae-8314-9064-3fad540615bc : Waffenrock
  • 45bc3e68-adc8-b03d-29e3-93e044472fbf : Noble's composite chausses
  • 45bdd999-3050-c096-8e2a-56dec9e231a5 : Long Skalitz waffenrock
  • 45bf8d25-f598-c977-8aa4-84f4658446ab : Sunday dress
  • 45c1c6ff-b658-9ed5-5395-66d1ce58cf93 : Green hood
  • 45c7c691-4279-7556-10c3-deb101b1cc8b : Slippers
  • 45c80502-3dbd-e88e-5250-ba4f38c6f689 : Gambeson
  • 45d503dc-ac4b-62c9-5994-c09288667dbf : Light lamellar armour
  • 45dbc6f8-944d-7df1-dae7-985673a4aa97 : Bandit's reinforced jack
  • 45e0477d-d891-810f-6783-265ba406beb5 : Common dress
  • 45e0883f-b164-edce-8f8a-4df43039759d : Brigandine pauldrons
  • 45e17389-6776-749b-838a-cd7229935fbb : Sunday dress
  • 45e28f40-6882-6a01-e281-25733f761f9f : Brocade combat jupon
  • 45e290d0-92ed-2895-c1bb-7115baf54992 : Sunday dress
  • 45e2b460-dbd4-4bf4-3643-33c2648d60bc : Plain saddle (2 saddlebags)
  • 45e3d8ac-5d54-0a39-8ec4-a321fc136991 : Decorated cotte
  • 45edc80c-1b34-a0f5-001c-a08a1fe632a6 : Decorated mail coif
  • 45ee23f0-9bbf-c895-f490-906644ac08b3 : Blue tunic
  • 45f0293a-b0b9-cd56-6864-ade54db775b8 : Dark footwraps and soles
  • 45f6875b-1c46-c12e-5e3a-deb4bbfaceab : Heraldic waffenrock
  • 45f87e26-cda3-9d99-4591-a7f7e6968f92 : Riveted gloves
  • 45f96751-8f3b-09dd-a06d-d75bb80e8e9c : Cuirass
  • 45ff98b0-d684-5f01-5a6f-679d2e8b5696 : Mail coif
  • 45ff9e32-ee90-4051-f963-1058dd4360a4 : Nuremberg plate chausses
  • 46021c09-1a2e-2683-bd92-d17cb66fb390 : Chanfron and criniere
  • 4608470b-b576-bff5-6777-c5bb7c9a8aa6 : Decorated cotte
  • 460fef47-6ee2-1f6e-3e86-8c88da1a0c95 : Patched hose
  • 4614fd41-bf3e-99bb-8b46-cf7ed8754cb1 : Fancy shirt
  • 4621b468-38bc-79ed-f0ce-9219543d7fa9 : Quartered outer vest
  • 463645bd-4e9e-ed5d-e63d-d373f28b5eb2 : Waffenrock
  • 4638d719-74df-29ba-2bea-99f46ff9e1a7 : Aketon dyed
  • 46425a75-bfd9-1824-6cf9-d87632030d88 : Polish composite chausses
  • 464325c1-4aca-b41c-360c-7937cfc74eb9 : Gambeson
  • 464a913e-9b03-ae4e-3561-89a1b2d9ac98 : Leather jerkin
  • 464ae38b-89f3-57f0-760d-7a1b7458d5bc : Riveted chausses
  • 464c250d-7e30-e71e-85cd-37a67b9641a7 : Aachen decorated chausses
  • 464ec169-a1a7-851c-c7d6-b2654dc78c92 : Dagged cotehardie
  • 4651e310-5ad4-cf89-7f57-9755e344ed84 : Heavy lamellar armour
  • 4659edf0-7122-577c-effd-5e03afac77bf : Threadbare dark gambeson
  • 465d76a9-1d09-8b19-8b7e-20a57e7e5495 : Dyed quilted vest
  • 4662e866-6a82-eb4b-ed98-26213ca118a8 : Red and white hood
  • 46662768-5a8b-06ca-1352-d02f56fed083 : Red waffenrock
  • 466c49e3-6cbc-e962-2571-c44183da449d : Caparison
  • 46798a36-0e40-4822-ec6e-bf682955b0b4 : Cuman harness
  • 4682ef21-53b0-55af-1017-588fe6af429e : Decorated cotte
  • 468323ad-f0f0-bad7-c80b-6ae432977d91 : Talmberg hemmed waffenrock
  • 46857626-d7c9-985d-4acc-a6ad9a79afa2 : Red vest
  • 46898847-2ffc-dcda-890e-8027524c2f91 : Aachen short gambeson
  • 468a36a5-1aa9-e1c8-1d01-2c778ef84ea9 : Caparison
  • 468bca8d-888c-8705-3828-75a80686c192 : Decorated caftan
  • 468cddc5-668b-9b8c-46b5-4b53c828f4ad : Long Cuman caftan
  • 4692f1e5-e4bc-c8af-1b0b-1da823ec1db9 : Plain saddle (3 saddlebags)
  • 469b7b94-1191-fc54-f679-318a734b43be : Blue scarf
  • 46a124e4-481c-5880-d187-573c1d


  • 0082de35-b635-4b85-a9ec-95024713f3ab : Kettle hat
  • 33069aba-2dcf-42c4-97ea-f9c8a6f7e06e : Servant Cap
  • 40bafc6f-ea0f-d9d2-57f7-0da666d60083 : Bell-shaped kettle hat
  • 40d19389-b8e6-8f54-cf74-f3715b0cea8c : Red merchant's hat
  • 4135abae-bcce-b9f7-7fff-9139b57aebbe : German bascinet
  • 413a23a3-3d34-de11-abeb-2dfc9af846a9 : Grand bascinet
  • 415cb852-5910-50cf-9802-4375257dd3b5 : Olive felt hat
  • 416efa2d-68db-6dfb-3d5d-98489f638bad : German bascinet
  • 41c9dee4-7f56-917c-cf8d-3482bbb3ad9a : Kettle hat decorated
  • 41e70a43-df7c-9acc-afe6-42dc972ee891 : Merchant's blue hat
  • 421f173c-99b2-f030-cedd-0ba2a25270ac : Arching bascinet
  • 42566810-49be-e92f-5181-705bdd2eb1ae : Yellow chaperon
  • 42663739-349d-8b14-a737-8cd056f7559e : Nobleman's hat
  • 436b6b1d-1471-da5f-ad03-f64bafbd8bb6 : Bascinet with bretache
  • 43c6062f-7a46-aa6a-ce45-9f8b90adb7a9 : Light Cuman helmet
  • 43dc25b5-3962-a772-7eeb-dd7820574395 : Red felt hat
  • 43dd7f89-93d5-801a-7dc6-824c367284b4 : Green felt hat
  • 441979f2-838e-9f91-36ef-64fd17735492 : Skullcap
  • 44501763-1d31-6b8b-fb85-a57b3fce9596 : Scaly skullcap
  • 447acc02-8ee6-ff70-1cb3-ccafd3ba01b3 : Two-piece kettle hat
  • 4498482d-a404-5646-16d0-f49eaac6d58e : Red chaperon
  • 44dc0755-74c4-582d-c92c-4a54990da4b9 : Covered bascinet
  • 44e4e7ba-05b1-fd0f-5aac-2e6f8d8cf682 : Cuman Captain's helmet
  • 450ee588-bc3d-d0ed-69a8-eea895d9998c : Yellow felt hat
  • 4527de55-2a1f-6089-a182-2aa2e031fe99 : Brown felt hat
  • 452c1f85-3219-c7fc-8d0c-de1d0b4d9885 : Fashionable hat
  • 457922f9-5c5b-8caa-5df0-7449097cff90 : Grand bascinet
  • 4582224b-55b8-82f8-4230-371ca1093db3 : Cuman helmet
  • 45cacc1b-dc58-a1c0-9873-d954e7cf3ebc : Bascinet with bretache
  • 48146c21-3bc0-fc8c-24b3-cd0f0427dc8c : Bascinet with klappvisor
  • 481b929a-0e8e-05da-54c5-2939bd72e594 : Italian bascinet
  • 481cfd5b-b646-1c6b-ff58-af749941cf9e : Warhorse helmet
  • 48641946-e22a-7925-8120-9f8825df12ac : Grey felt hat
  • 48c1161d-7bdf-52ff-75a5-3c210060ae8a : Hunting cap
  • 48f4d62f-f2d7-c064-be4b-450aeea1f39a : Black chaperon
  • 49160240-18dd-dc84-66fe-2ed005eba1b9 : Green merchant's hat
  • 491a1973-e6d2-e04d-f718-8f24db2ec4bb : Pointed red hat
  • 498ca985-c074-886b-af88-aec5b12dc7ad : Decorated German bascinet
  • 4a0b54a0-f893-122d-5171-74ac68e933ad : Hounskull
  • 4a16b1e8-f30f-eea1-4329-aa3030891bbb : Kettle hat
  • 4a2e6701-7c43-b97a-0823-6e22ea1d8fb3 : Kettle hat
  • 4a4d56b4-8c9c-7840-6398-dbfe8132d78b : Miller's cap
  • 4a5ec182-a249-b5d8-9975-b8fa57d5ae9f : Pointed yellow hat
  • 4aa23d07-ef96-e285-2cec-c7eb93ec4999 : Cuman shishak
  • 4ad02fe1-d15c-db1f-1981-59ac21854e9c : Old bascinet
  • 4af19514-66e8-1a2b-67d5-6528225681b4 : Common bascinet
  • 4bf98be0-1893-bb82-3ddb-5dd35b0f84b1 : Orange felt hat
  • 4c812542-2acf-0481-ec8a-adb77c057495 : Brown felt hat
  • 4cd854dd-7c7c-3050-27e4-8b67b1d1338c : German bascinet
  • 4d60338a-8a13-40f8-9002-fcbc79fc36b1 : Open bascinet
  • 4da8f74d-dd58-6895-e0b0-bf94a31a5b92 : Cuman mask
  • 4daf7e11-bd8a-5e7a-181d-37c790ba1c95 : Straw hat
  • 4e760438-c3b5-7acd-6329-55e19c4e8896 : Blue chaperon
  • 4e8bfdae-a38a-fae5-1177-b513733f1c90 : Ornamented Cuman shishak
  • 4ef61ee8-aaff-7b19-9b2f-3310e7ee72be : Cuman cap
  • 4fb18a35-7abd-d93d-ac7e-c5a1d6bf809f : Pointed green hat
  • 51d21693-820d-423a-bac5-fae8d370dcbe : Magic Cuman mask
  • c80e67a7-8dbd-4662-ae63-26a92b6ae28b : Brown felt hat

NPC Tool

  • 0185caf5-061e-4205-9863-bc10d7c12936 : vra_ladder
  • 01b1f552-9023-4a1f-842a-736cd53b71ac : washing_stick
  • 05590d8f-8299-460d-bb39-51059b6474c7 : torch01_wall_lp
  • 070173f1-1437-49a4-82c3-559665b76174 : prib_ram
  • 0bce49e7-5dc1-4cea-a1ec-e26098f95ee9 : mortar
  • 122abce4-50e2-4891-a74d-aafc2d6892d4 : hay_unloading_pile
  • 17090aac-a7f4-44c1-bb3b-ba179e29dd8c : armorsmith_helmet
  • 2069b83f-4f5d-4e7b-a96c-db87ca0aee84 : pestle
  • 227b822e-750e-4cd1-a6ed-0823a5ed2ab3 : fishing_rod
  • 23f73bbf-1d3c-432f-8cff-ec88cdf2af7b : chisel_npc_spawned
  • 2490e8ec-f4b3-4860-a049-37875d354d89 : metal_piece
  • 2551ce9f-9369-4679-8cba-4d6df2361546 : basket_empty
  • 2a95e7f8-d175-4bea-a1ef-d2e40744dd57 : baker_mixingbowl
  • 2b4ca587-d32b-4648-af09-dec3dab18261 : ceramic_tankard
  • 30b2916b-37be-4d62-ad7f-2389b137fd59 : wooden_spoon_mash
  • 36235c05-a733-484b-872d-eecdc245a7de : sausage_smoked
  • 3e533ef1-f62a-4751-b1d3-f1c9b4e05b87 : butcher_cleaver_small
  • 415b1a6a-6df5-4908-8284-7bbae333f708 : normalHammer
  • 4343eb87-1966-4594-a205-299da2a0fef1 : chisel
  • 43fd458b-8e49-4ad1-8e9a-1d7e44f2ab41 : whetstone
  • 47c3bd7b-1411-4da7-83e7-669385331d90 : flask
  • 49200aeb-5676-45eb-9fb2-402df0d09aa9 : carpenter_saw
  • 4ce95b2e-d0ed-439a-a705-ab051c499927 : semifinished_sword
  • 4d444b36-afde-42c9-8107-88ec448d4158 : iron_hoe
  • 4d45f922-7974-4852-8465-79fa2f67e0c2 : pitchfork
  • 4df9b037-ca0f-42db-a897-c9e73139efb2 : chair_test
  • 4eabf7d8-3a3f-47db-8401-c2df38820706 : big_hammer
  • 577cff5d-1479-420a-88a3-f538b5da454d : tal_ladder
  • 578a6bb7-4eae-4d06-9272-bdf692b249c6 : bowl
  • 5863190f-0439-44a7-830a-2dc09279bd4e : chicken_thigh_spawned
  • 5b51dca1-4307-4612-98d6-1cbd5458ebc7 : leather_scraper
  • 68b5653e-7a01-47a2-81ba-2f1e2143faae : wooden_tankard
  • 6cf01d7b-f6d4-4a9d-aa27-4667ea77da94 : Scoop
  • 83a854f3-95f9-4ba5-b907-76434cf61c32 : kettle
  • 8519a72d-b2da-4938-8aed-2df96e8e1b34 : sack
  • 8695b1fc-fedd-4962-8f10-03a0bd55b1e8 : cage_right_hand
  • 87cdb842-3ed3-4e34-a589-95775ecbc9d0 : butcher_meat
  • 87e51196-554d-409e-a5ec-f1fe5b4a07bc : wooden_peel
  • 8804ce02-0648-4efd-9637-334db5ed5e25 : hammer
  • 8867336e-80c8-4e2f-9ee5-3b1cd610a2d8 : log_cut_half
  • 8a046c31-9b1f-4451-9511-7dca13c11181 : breadTool
  • 8a814c90-a32e-4d5d-98d2-b808064ae603 : herding_stick
  • 8d6d4efb-f776-44da-8ac6-d7da39678cb8 : bridle_test
  • 8e820272-e878-44e9-bac1-0566654d7982 : physics_test
  • 8fb83fd8-1996-45fb-9b71-a9d689544275 : shoemaker_hammer
  • 90f01aca-5dcb-410c-ab1e-97094f137d8c : pile_of_woodchips_chopping_block
  • 91ed1623-40e7-4b64-9de2-92d9d5873990 : pitchfork_straw
  • 948f44e3-6a37-4826-bcd7-eec3ba7f10cb : dough_piece
  • 979b2602-f161-4b9d-8774-738119196ba1 : bucket
  • 97eaa9b1-0fa0-4de2-a547-4a8ed570fa9e : sausage
  • 99c04991-47fc-49cb-894c-78c93bc7da65 : skinned_deer_piece1
  • 9c6ff7f2-eff7-4f8b-b48f-f7234493d17b : wooden_stick
  • a0a2e39a-ea6b-4cc8-90a4-27047696fbb1 : butcher_cleaver
  • a16839b1-5005-4d63-a37f-cca2d1e62641 : flower_wreath
  • a4cb5d0c-a982-4634-80e2-3a8d7355491e : meal_tray_empty
  • a5566ffb-8a3f-4d85-b3c5-088038aa95a1 : butcher_two_handed_knife
  • aa07926f-2968-43e8-b0eb-085893d576f2 : skinned_deer_piece2
  • aa417ffe-4609-42d8-b52e-58c1ef5a3678 : prib_ladder
  • aac4b102-f039-4e6c-afa5-67b59df2cc11 : scarf_food_close
  • ad363284-24fb-4a66-b088-fc51d222b65b : bundle_of_wooden_sticks
  • af459a00-7a61-4444-936c-5eb27403107a : broom
  • b09688cb-4fe4-4381-b8a8-527cc07aad97 : ring_package
  • b53cd35f-8008-48a1-8ce4-ccc3efe3a3f4 : hammer_npc_spawned
  • b7a9fe04-a6de-4d76-9488-eef80f5c8501 : stich_frame_spawned
  • ba455df4-e1d1-46eb-b791-210eb0908227 : stich_frame
  • bd19f94d-804f-4cac-bf1d-38ba1b8495ce : rasp
  • bdf14d9c-7264-434c-96af-748ff2779c1b : lamp_tool
  • c9764451-a4a4-4428-b1ee-79a41d801e19 : skin_test
  • c9d724d8-24db-4c2d-b293-35affdf29c83 : hare_dead
  • cd2382b8-4e87-4460-bb2d-526f770a7222 : broom_small
  • d009026e-5fac-4414-8183-592f0b133c2b : bowl_bakery
  • d18fc183-0af6-4a17-a274-5b06fd71bad4 : wooden_spoon
  • d39cde7b-bb73-4216-a528-921dbc8e0182 : wood_whittling
  • d480283d-bb27-42f2-a529-31708ea598d9 : lumberjack_saw
  • d6c313d8-a464-4a4c-aa03-5fd1aba7fb4d : shovel
  • d8d1c3b6-a25c-4a29-b038-cebc947c86b9 : wooden_stein_spa
  • dac299a2-8651-4839-8244-9e9eb8ef0701 : axe_chopping
  • db813508-eb30-4241-a019-99ad6a83ff00 : skinned_deer_half
  • ded5173a-82e0-4caf-a3ff-6b6529a7fd05 : meal_tray_large
  • e09ca305-4de5-46fa-abc5-df39fc2e769d : skinned_deer_piece3
  • e1097afe-649e-4494-8a05-84ab079e8db3 : water_tube
  • e319c3a6-e202-48ef-8c2d-3d1922544554 : knife
  • e86d0798-f855-45a4-acbc-db82a1133ccd : log_cut
  • e95bb3ae-38ce-41fd-948a-e471673b47e5 : torch_tool
  • ec1e9587-44c5-4c67-97cf-e35115ae2809 : wooden_stein
  • ec9399a5-3995-455f-81a5-9e9afec59e53 : butcher_knife
  • f438e542-8ef1-424b-9bbb-58f6a62b3993 : blade
  • f541aba7-7cf2-4fcf-a276-ea3881fcecd0 : basket_full_sticks
  • f864a24a-152c-462e-a8f3-6760f7ce7329 : basket_full_wood
  • fa316dc5-9168-4e0f-b330-1d8b3bcb6ff0 : barrel
  • ff0f08c5-886b-4100-9f08-283f082fe12d : pick


Kingdom Come Deliverance Poison Console Commands

  • 01a84f8d-b928-415e-99fd-bf84168c623c : Family ring
  • 04ab1ca6-7403-4700-9557-af97a91add71 : Bandit's ear
  • 0732868e-fe6e-4270-9463-10ed23641191 : Key to Sasau Church
  • 0ce2975a-d777-44e7-96b4-50f24d015b6c : Andrew's tankard
  • 0d8a9d20-fa8f-4044-9579-2b63ff7cfd5a : Pouch with amulet
  • 0e06c953-0409-4459-947f-9c37d56191e2 : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 0f9c93a5-beed-41d1-88a6-31a31c1a1b05 : Cow antidote wrong
  • 10ef5335-7e57-4acc-92a0-7b0b239f8c6c : Adam's family cross
  • 11b4ceab-c3d8-44d8-9bb8-9d53461df8b2 : Key to Nicholas' trunk
  • 12a7dcc7-3f47-4575-b3e0-76fede9986d4 : Karolina's shawl
  • 12c04d37-2cac-454a-917f-4cf0964758fe : Bird trap
  • 14a80dc0-0ad0-4a06-9a09-8e95213ecad0 : Manfred's purse
  • 198f8f06-c74b-4acc-9c4a-7e336725c535 : Pirkstein armoury key
  • 1b5c172b-f1af-4852-acba-29ebdafc3cc9 : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 1d9508ac-809e-4acf-88d5-31dd2a493e09 : Seal of the Lany Lords
  • 1f0883f0-02c5-4aa4-afc9-abf3d7b68ca4 : Equipment trunk key
  • 1f369aa1-5698-4e18-96bf-6c7b85af91eb : Roses for Klara
  • 1fd93de3-6234-459e-bbfc-407f7b6b942c : Small golden goblet
  • 2091024a-b045-403a-9335-f4928dbaa7d8 : My share
  • 221ed5a9-f75a-4cbb-96b9-0272c00ada38 : Farm girl's shawl
  • 2221160c-e671-4c09-bb6b-e9c26eef6748 : Key to forbidden books
  • 22eb9d0c-d5cf-4649-a0a7-cdc53cd29e08 : Flute
  • 2341dfcf-e662-4a4e-bf4d-cf2eb57ea328 : Trunk key
  • 24c6be90-f9d6-454b-a939-220f69624568 : Letters for Sir Divish
  • 27129b9b-1b15-4066-abe2-31957414da92 : Equipment trunk key
  • 2902cd40-2934-404e-87bc-c1ce57deed22 : Broken tournament arrow
  • 29d8c573-2c07-470c-a422-8e6bdbde59e6 : Devil's skull
  • 2b08dbc7-31bf-42fd-89ce-b840299930b5 : French altar candle
  • 2dbbc3a4-694c-4c3e-8850-f03295438919 : Urim and Thummim
  • 2f5c4392-46cd-4319-a710-f50edd0c2adf : Horse hide
  • 3000b8ed-2229-478b-8b30-6d10f120d367 : Bouquet for Klara
  • 31030889-447e-4d24-ad39-fba8ee39c54b : Cuman leader's mask
  • 31817ffd-d1cb-440b-a891-e3aa2f26e46b : Damask
  • 323df655-b080-49fc-88c6-89e5f2cdd015 : Sylvan red wine
  • 3321da1f-451f-4b06-9fac-b9ff11515ade : Cuman leader's mask
  • 340d4edd-cfc7-4468-8393-7255708fde80 : Key
  • 34221071-24b8-4eaf-996e-96e83b74ee65 : Cow antidote
  • 359a583e-51fd-4bf9-b410-28be10dab6ac : Sir Hans Capon's keys
  • 37712a91-3912-4e42-8577-4aa78b5bf899 : Ornamented golden goblet
  • 395675bd-abef-47b4-a03c-8c6f5fb87a22 : Fine brocade
  • 3a27aa85-9b45-46d1-9443-1187abdda548 : Key
  • 3b5be706-3cac-4223-a780-039867c65c4d : Broken arrow
  • 3d0308be-5d21-45bf-8c85-20b27370a472 : Illustrated book
  • 3e950df1-e625-4da1-88b7-280fb33d32de : Barn key
  • 3ee1b3bb-4b81-4ce8-ac41-cfdd68e81063 : Bone
  • 3f770b82-32a7-410d-b546-c8744348ff93 : Crossguard for new sword
  • 414458ce-9fb6-4959-a64d-0571e19e1ebe : Cat's paw
  • 424ca78a-c782-42ad-bdf2-6e45d0720e0b : Bandit's trunk key
  • 42f77dc8-da5e-4dfe-9f79-f35295831e92 : Bandit's cloak
  • 43c9c6bc-cfd5-48f5-94ac-507f423c6ec7 : Gold cross
  • 459366de-4d86-440d-b90f-05ee808db3c9 : Brocade
  • 4628fa04-4870-47ed-b559-4c86162b6892 : Old Shawl
  • 47fd0e05-5605-4500-bd63-0f32812e7aa2 : Quill
  • 494c8365-2984-4514-a80a-2ba575c9a2f2 : Key
  • 4ad2be1f-6a3d-4b3d-b513-4a7b685f2877 : Linen cloth
  • 4c7ba4e3-0fd4-4efa-b751-5f35fc0ebcc0 : Human ear
  • 4e5b242e-5fcc-4b60-9bbd-fd95a0407dd8 : Wine for Stephanie
  • 5004e2a4-2f20-481a-afdd-cf7a71781bbb : Bandit's trunk key
  • 5420f246-7688-4f4e-8efe-9a9c29c34e47 : Fake name
  • 56be1ad5-676e-4b6d-9d6d-e94f3164a90c : Monastery key
  • 58c03234-f707-487b-8ac1-c7ca908f7c0e : Draper's tinderbox
  • 5b7055af-c38c-44c8-90ce-b495f1191f15 : Cow poison
  • 5c76130f-edf5-43a8-a4a9-90ff30302606 : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 5d800ac9-fbb9-4722-aa43-3772c28b7f44 : Key to church steeple
  • 5d8c1f00-b444-47ff-b202-8af775353cbc : Grubby scarf
  • 5ec2db9d-d5ed-47e7-bdd3-2e9fda718076 : Feyfar's trunk key
  • 6261e91f-5bc5-4d58-97e1-25c2622b0b68 : Executioner's rope - rotten
  • 63117d47-d23c-47ff-8ba1-ae93b850d6e2 : Cuman leader's mask
  • 63abdbb4-b0fd-464b-87a4-80d26b33872a : Kunesh's axe
  • 63df2c6a-d891-43c3-afa0-7a5dd2587b65 : Topping-out
  • 66eaff51-b15e-41f6-822d-b05b9ae8f747 : Will
  • 674bfdec-8c01-4cfd-9db2-3da74667ee0e : Bone powder of St. Thomas
  • 69c1ab92-2a58-4c36-84d9-2c043f26b9ef : Kyffhauser crystal
  • 6d34bc61-e20a-4da2-bbf5-2f7085706b8f : Wafer
  • 6f093d6e-49ad-470e-9c24-105007a98a8b : Bandit's trunk key
  • 70871a2a-6b35-4a53-ab0a-02655a6c1fa9 : Empty bird cage
  • 70c76a65-a157-4e4c-872d-ede7d21dd321 : Sack
  • 7167a273-e26a-482e-8a36-648fd6c51ea5 : Ornamental crown
  • 73fa08b6-cb14-4474-803b-7c2f6f43da87 : Shirt from Stephanie
  • 742c598f-f9e6-4d98-8da2-6735ff2b251d : Drowned sheep
  • 7448efc8-baab-4906-8e0d-40e0c4396594 : Beer recipe
  • 76bada6c-15b5-4109-9857-0a261162849c : Goatskin filled with blood
  • 7a51413f-84e3-4dad-b5cb-264e81929e60 : Trebuchet projectile rock
  • 7b7e898e-ac66-4d26-8a6c-b2a87e5abc90 : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 7d788e6e-dabb-4d23-8d6f-036eb812865d : Foreign steel
  • 7e02c3ff-4b3c-4687-aff4-e8c1404fa276 : Key to Heinz's chest
  • 7fc59505-3216-4f58-afa2-a6ad626a056f : Key
  • 817e5786-0429-4342-9e1f-cb6be18725ff : Cemetery flowers
  • 83a04490-6d4f-47f7-a1cf-45d0e968549a : Cask of wine for Circators
  • 85409fc6-36ff-4de7-b337-e2889e435f1b : Spade
  • 87a65e52-dfa1-4b45-9306-0b7083f93c90 : Hare pelt
  • 87edb711-8d20-4627-af71-d17fbca48b08 : Communion chalice
  • 8aec9e19-a943-4d26-acc9-844acdcfa90b : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 8bad010b-d13e-43f4-bba7-afe87a65f2e0 : Noble spurs
  • 8d76f58e-a521-4205-a7e8-9ac077eee5f0 : Lockpick
  • 8fa97c07-5d4a-4a80-9f9a-46e01e0a4f4f : Excellent Reward
  • 90ccdced-8a2f-4cd3-a1b8-2af959116509 : Key to shed
  • 9128ad33-7e21-48ba-98b8-c8cf63b9486f : Charcoal-burner's loot
  • 9186b747-2591-43c0-91c6-54146543a8d8 : Mandrake root
  • 9430ab09-6f6b-4a56-beb7-207315dd373c : Cuman leader's mask
  • 952ca69f-21e1-450c-a506-daec74cda27b : Procopius' tooth
  • 95e7eab8-59af-43c6-baf1-0b4c1fed08b3 : Guild signet
  • 964bc079-7797-475b-9c80-b76ce59de5b3 : Custodian's house key
  • 9689affb-0d84-4e64-ba8b-8549c79ac7bc : Hare's ring
  • 96b84458-9847-49df-9276-6c50f5ea7c6d : Bandit leader's spurs
  • 983a6813-20b6-4fc8-bc2d-105939ff6000 : Kunesh's nails
  • 98c5bbdb-e282-49e2-9bd4-105ace20b282 : Pitcher for wine
  • 993e22fa-2854-47b0-9502-7469471a58ca : Purse with coin
  • 9a519bc7-1087-4d0c-aa4c-54f59fb5baef : Wooden trunk
  • 9b2cb9e0-6c49-464e-beff-f071d30c36b6 : Salt of St. James' Madonna
  • 9c4ce06f-1817-4a60-8203-edab578cfefa : Wool fabric
  • a16e6c86-2970-4106-a25b-9b4fba181972 : Key
  • a1dda25f-3a35-4376-b198-4e5173c742a8 : Red deer hide
  • a22185c1-a102-4972-a63d-4c7fc4959ae0 : Letter for Karolina
  • a263862c-8e4c-4e60-aca3-c5c5eb91b904 : Nicholas' hunting horn
  • a28be1bf-0935-4b56-8fdd-e1a644485616 : Wooden cross
  • a50f682a-e3df-415d-ad77-32999f3976e5 : Crown with moldavite
  • a641eebc-261a-47c9-bf32-fb8ec0325b92 : Necronomicon I
  • a7186135-4a2a-4b3f-aab9-b916f3fc8b8c : Borya's key
  • a961de34-3a0a-4823-9e88-2992def003a4 : Fallen block
  • a9d66b07-0156-4b06-899b-81dead188c03 : Drahomira's ring
  • ab0b9f53-2b71-483b-ba26-f1499c1f1f03 : Mikesh's package
  • acbe87e5-3d13-4db3-95dd-d245a1bbe9f7 : Concealed sack of coin
  • ad498eac-337d-4654-b043-6a10b303ae0e : Dress for Karolina
  • ad9e4667-08f5-4ac3-b41e-66645c22245f : Satin
  • b16db2b4-788a-4a04-8b9a-6ecfebcfc8ec : Beran's cup
  • b185ad3c-6e51-4298-a997-472eb37b8b2a : Very heavy hammer
  • b1ef1fae-4b71-437c-9844-b9137b324846
  • b2060613-a29d-457f-bec0-b95991b4143b : Flemish cloth
  • b2126c93-df85-4b43-aade-0f264ab3ec3e : Nicholas' testimony
  • b2332b25-f518-4cec-b251-064eefd871b1 : Cuman leader's mask
  • b2db4467-08f3-484b-9668-f9a6c012c8e3 : Lukesh's emergency supply
  • b55ed79a-2a16-4cfb-9f97-7c9ef184c97d : Waffenrocks for Woyzeck
  • b58968dc-043b-46ec-ad45-a7721bb17269 : Monastery entry writ
  • b790194f-5316-4152-9118-3d3ba79903d5 : Scribe Friedrich's study key
  • b81080b1-3a65-4930-85f5-873c56d4ff1f : Tiara
  • b874e531-8d6e-456a-8625-7f44818a18dc : Land deed
  • b8bb2709-166b-41eb-b06c-2f45b8fc8c93 : Key from barn
  • baeb94d6-7f27-476d-be75-735a08a1d587
  • bb99a38f-5683-4826-a26e-fd70ddd96086 : Strange die
  • bc12d87c-542b-4de0-a3cf-b6fbff67a966 : Sheepskin
  • bd872503-03d4-4697-801d-3ba71c524e93 : Keg of pitch
  • bd8a4e0f-7b5d-4f6a-9546-4b71ffe6fa68 : Kunesh's keys
  • bec48698-4b03-4bdc-a012-9f439

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