Redis Client Download Mac

Brew redis on Mac Redis is a robust in-memory datastore widely used as cache, pub/sub (message broker) for further reading. Installing Redis on mac There are many options to install Redis on mac you can Download the code and compile it or use a docker image. I prefer using Homebrew to install and manage Redis on mac. It is also easy to. The most advanced Redis client for Mac Download. Red looks great in Dark Mode in Mac OS Mojave. Swiftly Efficient - Red is written in native Swift, exclusively. Download Redis Desktop Manager - Improve the way you handle data within Redis databases with the help of this cross-platform and highly efficient piece of software. A Gui client for Redis. Search Search Cancel 0 Cart 0 Cart. How to install Redis on Mac OS. Before installing redis let’s give you a quick introduction to redis. Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker. Redis supports multiple data structures such as. I) Strings ii) Hashes iii) Lists iv) Sets v) Sorted sets with range queries.


Redis is a high-performance key value database. The emergence of redis, to a large extent, compensates for the lack of key / value storage such as memcached. In some cases, it can play a good complementary role in relational database. Using ANSI C language to write, support network, can be based on memory or persistent log type, and provide a variety of language API.
Mac has its own PHP environment, but it does not have the redis extension installed. We need to install it separately. Next, I’ll talk about the installation steps and points for attention.

Download redis

Before installing redis, you need to download redis. You can download it on the official website of redis. Here I provide a download address: redis-5.0.5

Installing and starting redis

1. Unzip the downloaded redis to the / usr / local directory and run the command:tar -zxvf redis-5.0.5.tar.gz -C /usr/local/redis-5.0.5

2. The terminal enters the root directory after decompression:cd /usr/local/redis-5.0.5

3. Test compilation:sudo make test

4. To install redis:sudo make install

If you report the following error in step 4:

Executing test client: couldn’t execute “src/redis-benchmark”: no such file or directory.

Then perform the following two steps

(1)、sudo make distclean

(2)、sudo make

5. Configuration
After the above installation is successful, configure it php.ini Document:
extension_dir = “/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/”
#The address here is your reids installed The location of.
extension =

6. Print out phpinfo() to see if the installation is successful. If you can see the information as shown in the figure below, the installation is successful.

(check whether the installation of redis is successful: you can also run make test after the installation, and [O / all tests passed without errors!] [Cleanup: may take some time… OK] indicates that the installation of redis is successful.)

7. Modify the redis.conf In [daemonize no] is [daemonize yes] to start background operation mode

8. Start redis and execute the command in the root directory of redis:. / SRC / redis server/ redis.conf To stop the redis service, you can execute the client command. / SRC / redis cli shutdown

9. The login client command is: [. / SRC / redis cli] or [. / SRC / redis cli – P 6379] or [telnet 6379], and execute it in the root directory of the redis installation folder.

Test redis

After installing and starting redis, log in to the client and test redis.

Problem summary

1. Prompt when sudo make install

Installing shared extensions: /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/
cp: /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/#[email protected]#: Operation not permitted
make: * [install-modules] Error 1

Redis Client Download Mac

Solution: make install not permit

2. After installation, configure php.ini file

Extension is added to the file= When testing redis, we found that it did not come out.

extension_ Dir = “/ usr / local / PHP / lib / PHP / extensions / no-debug-zts-20090626” ා write the address returned by make install in the address

Related information

Installing redis5.0 and commands on MAC
Redis installation configuration
Redis extension installation and sink in MAC
MAMP installing redis

Redis uses a standard practice for its versioning: major.minor.patchlevel. An even minor marks a stable release, like 1.2, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8. Odd minors are used for unstable releases, for example 2.9.x releases are the unstable versions of what will be Redis 3.0 once stable.

  • Unstable

    This is where all the development happens. Only for hard-core hackers. Use only if you need to test the latest features or performance improvements. This is going to be the next Redis release in a few months.
  • Pre-release (6.2)

    Redis 6.2 includes many new commands and improvements, but no big features. It mainly makes Redis more complete and addresses issues that have been requested by many users frequently or for a long time.
  • Stable (6.0)

    Redis 6.0 introduces SSL, the new RESP3 protocol, ACLs, client side caching, diskless replicas, I/O threads, faster RDB loading, new modules APIs and many more improvements.
  • Docker Hub

    It is possible to get Docker images of Redis from the Docker Hub. Multiple versions are available, usually updated in a short time after a new release is available.
  • In the Cloud

    Get a free-for-life Redis instance with Redis Cloud Essentials from Redis Labs, the home of Redis.

*Other versions

Old (5.0)

Redis 5.0 is the first version of Redis to introduce the new stream data type with consumer groups, sorted sets blocking pop operations, LFU/LRU info in RDB, Cluster manager inside redis-cli, active defragmentation V2, HyperLogLogs improvements and many other improvements. Redis 5 was release as GA in October 2018.
See the release notes or download 5.0.10.


Historical downloads are still available on

Scripts and other automatic downloads can easily access the tarball of the latest Redis stable version at, and its respective SHA256 sum at The source code of the latest stable release is always browsable here, use the file src/version.h in order to extract the version in an automatic way.

*How to verify files for integrity

The Github repository redis-hashes contains a README file with SHA1 digests of released tarball archives. Note: the generic redis-stable.tar.gz tarball does not match any hash because it is modified to untar to the redis-stable directory.


*From source code

Download, extract and compile Redis with:

The binaries that are now compiled are available in the src directory. Run Redis with:

You can interact with Redis using the built-in client:

*From the official Ubuntu PPA

You can install the latest stable version of Redis from the redislabs/redis package repository. Add the repository to the apt index, update it and install:

*From Snapcraft

Redis Client Download Mac Installer

You can install the latest stable version of Redis from the Snapcraft marketplace:

Redis Client Download Mac Download

Are you new to Redis? Try our online, interactive tutorial.